oriel n. a bay window, esp. one cantilevered or corbeled out from a wall.
your answers were, as usual, quite hilarious!
Thought for the weekend I'd leave you with a picture of what I usually see whenever I go to get the boys out of their room.
One or the other and often both mattresses are like this...half on and half off the box springs.
One day I walked in on this site and Gator-boy was standing on the box spring. I exasperatedly asked (not expecting any answer) why on earth they kept taking the mattresses off their beds.
In response,
Gator slid down the mattress on his belly.
Boys will be boys...and some of them have more "boy" in them than others. ;D
Love and hugs,
wAIT UNtIL You get bunk beds!!!
Oh the joy! I actually have 2 sets of bunkbeds, cause twice the beds twice the joy!!
You mean beds aren't toys, too? Oh come on now - they must be!! Of course, when you've got boys there isn't anything that isn't considered a toy or a possible toy at some point in time! Good luck!!
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