OK, here's the deal

This is a Yoyo Bear.
MightyMom, the head Yoyo around here, has decided to make EACH child a Yoyo bear for Christmas.
I made this great decision BEFORE I read the pattern and learned that EACH bear requires 82 yoyos.

This would be in addition to the Christmas Ornaments that I regularly make as gifts to give away (now you know why I'm head Yoyo!)
Also, you should probably know that I insist on having all Christmas shopping and gift making and everything but wrapping done BY THANKSGIVING. I do this because Advent is my favorite time of year and I refuse to spend it rushing around being stressed and hurried just so I have gifts to give at each party. I also hate crowds and refuse to step foot in anything resembling a STORE/MALL during December. (fortunately for me Subvet does the grocery shopping).
So, I figure if I have all the Yoyos made by Halloween I can make the heads and assemble the bears in a month.
But that means I have to have 246 yoyos made by Halloween.
That's ELEVEN WEEKS away!!
These yoyos are not hard to make, but they do take time. sigh as does everything else.
So, come along with me on this journey into the land of yoyos and I will keep the ticker at the top to see progress.
The ornaments we're making this year are much quicker and easier. This is intentional because I want the boys to make them. So far they've made about 15 of the 30ish that I make each year.
*tip* I always make about 4 or 5 extra incase I forgot someone on my list or get invited to a gift exchange party I hadn't planned on.
Hi Ho Yoyo---Away!!!!!!
Well, I think we can officially dub you the Queen Yoyo. I mean, the Queen of Yoyos. Something.
I think you will have a new title of YoYo Queen on October 31st. Go forth and YoYo! or something like that. Hope your fingers and wrists hold out. :0)
I love your reasoning for having things all done by Thanksgiving.
let me send you half a dozen origami ornaments and then you can make a few less of those..... ....
you have 3 kids. you're saying it you're going to need to make 246 yoyos. so, you're telling me that each bear takes 82 yoyos? it doesn't look like there's that many on that cute little bear. what presents for the kids.
you better get sewing...
I love that you put up the ticker for this, Sarah. How clever of you!! This was we can keep track of you!!!
I was so excited about your comment about Kyle. I had forgotten I had put his name on your list way back when :o) By all means steal his picture. As you can tell, he is almost an adopted grandson to us and we love him dearly.
This post tying in you being a yoyo was so cute. You go girl!!! You are one getting it done Mom and Wife. I agree with your feelings about December and centering in on our precious Lord, Jesus!!!
Now that's dedication. And your organizational skills are truly astounding. Stop reading this and get busy. You've got a lot of work ahead of you.
Yo! You are so cool with your Christmas deadline. I applaud you! Such an amazing woman you are.
I will do the meme. I just haven't gotten there yet.
I tried to make a yo-yo bedspread once. Why oh why!!! Too bad I gave my sack of completed yo-yos to Goodwill when I realized it was a lost cause. I'd have sent them to you... but then, this is a handmade gift from Mama, so I can see why you would want to make them all yourself =) I know you will get done. I can't wait to see the finished bears!! We had yo yo clowns that an aunt made us when we were little. I still remember sitting on my bed when I was in time out, flopping him back and forth =)
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