My Husband "Subvet" says that when our first son "Sonshine" was born the sun rose on our world, when our second son "Gator" was born the sun laughed and when our daughter "Sugars" was born all the flowers bloomed. That says it all.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Your mind is the garden, your
thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds. — William

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Costumes!!!

The Vampire!

How cheesy can you get??

Madame Heffalump:


**scroll down to see our decorations and Sugars' preschool costume parade!!**

Halloween Decor.....

You may have noticed in the post below that Sugars is holding a Clifford dog. This is her preschool class' mascot. Her class is "Ms Connie's Canines." Each kid gets to take Clifford home for a weekend and keep a journal of all the adventures he has throughout the year.

Well, last weekend it was Sugars' turn to keep Clifford. So, naturally since everyone else would be wearing costumes at preschool today we didn't want Clifford to feel left out!!

This was Sugars' own Halloween costume from back in 2007......

Kind of hard to believe isn't it??

We haven't decorated for Halloween before, but this year we were given several lovely bits so we decided to enjoy them.

The things on the door except for the skeletons came from Mimi

The skeletons, along with everything else, came from my dear blog buddy Stephanie of Scraps.

If you haven't been to her blog before, go take a gander! This girl LOVES her Halloween!!!

In addition to those skeletons she sent us this:

And made these fabulous placemats for us! She even quilted them with glow-in-the-dark thread!!

She sent me some candy corn bubble bath and a Halloween scented black votive candle. The scent is "Jack-o-latte" and is very lovely!! There were a couple other things in that box from Stephanie that I'll save for next year's festivities!

Thanks so much to Mimi and Stephanie! The kids loved having the place decorated! Now I'm going to be putting all of Halloween away tonight and getting out some Thanksgiving stuff.....

And, as unbelieveable as it may be to those who've known me long.....but....I have not even BEGUN Christmas presents!! Woefully behind!! I am however going to hold myself to my rule that all Christmas presents must be bought or made before the beginning of Advent!! Which means I need to get on the stick!! Tout de suite!!

right after I finish posting pictures of the kids in their costumes!

Heffalumps and Vampires and Cheese! Oh My!!

Confessions of a Paparazzi Parent.....

I'd say this was for the Grandparents.....

but they don't read my blog!

I always think it's funny when you get your own reflection or shadow in the picture!!

You should hear her Heffalump call!!

Tonight, I shall post pics of the other two so hang tight.

The Nightmare Before Christmas

I'm such a sucker for a good light show!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

It's Pumpkin Time!!!

So, who's ready to carve our pumpkins???

Daddy did the carving, Momma did the scooping/cleaning....

Ok, so they stuck their hands in long enough for this picture......and then all said they needed to go wash their hands!

So much for this being a group effort!!

Patience is a virtue.....



How long before Christmas??

Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's Party Time!

Yesterday was Subvet (aka Daddy)'s birthday.

Sonshine INSISTED that we needed to make Daddy a birthday cake. Now, we have enough desserts in this house to start a war right now....but the boy was DETERMINED to bake a cake. As Subvet had a meeting last night, and I started work later than normal, I'd told the kids we could bake the cake while Daddy was off to his meeting.

As soon as I mentioned "cake" last night Sonshine goes through the house proclaiming, "All aboard! All aboard! For the Making Daddy's Birthday Cake Express!"

Next thing I hear is him opening the refrigerator saying "First we'll need TWENTY eggs!"

WHOOOOAAAA!! Slow that train down there buddy.

So I grabbed the box o mix and started walking the kids through the steps to bake the cake. Never to early to learn to read a recipie! (and learn that cakes do NOT need 20 eggs!)

Then it was decided Daddy must have candles on his cake. So I grabbed every candle we had.....

We'll just have to make sure Daddy blows them out FIVE times.....

The Making Daddy's Birthday Cake Express must have been one wild ride!

all 3 kids were SOUND ASLEEP by 9:30pm!

**Since Daddy didn't get home till 11pm we're gonna have Birthday Cake for Breakfast!!**

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Support Group

I've had a hard time lately posting comments on non blogger blogs. If you haven't seen a comment by me, that's why.

First our Motivational Video!
If this doesn't get you moving nothing will!

So last week I didn't exercise at all, and my weight is up to
Too Damn Much -0.6lbs.

But on to this week!
my goal is to exercise three times this week.

How about you?? How'd ya do last week? Goals for this week?

Friday, October 14, 2011

One thing finished, another moving along...

Halloween costumes are finished!!

I shall cut the bottom off when he's awake to try it on as I'm afraid he's gonna trip on his cape.

Look! no strings around our necks! and we can be a VAMPIRE BAT just by raising our arms!!

Update on my Gimpy Girl

We got a letter from Scottish Rite requesting more info. I'm taking this as a good sign. Will be faxing the form back tonight! Thanks for the prayers! Keep em coming!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Momma, it's getting to be Halloween!!

Every day I'm greeted by this mantra from Sonshine!!!

So I guess it's about time to get those costumes made!!

Here is Miss Purple Heffalump

Sonshine wanted to be a Vampire!

The glue and paint haven't dried yet.

The only thing I have left to do is to attach Sonshine's vampire cape to the back of his black sweatshirt once it's all dry. I don't like things tied around their necks!! He'll wear a pair of black sweat pants and I'll paint his face to his specifications....

Who knew you could buy both black and silver lame' ???

Gator wanted to be "A Big Piece of Cheese"...there's a story behind that! He kept saying he wanted to be a cat. Well he was a cat last year so I told him to pick something different. When he insisted on being a cat I told him if he didn't pick something I was just going to make him a big piece of cheese for Halloween, thinking he'd hate that idea!

Goofball, he LOVED it!! And has wanted nothing else ever since!

He has black long sleeve shirt and black sweat pants to wear under this shirt, it'll come down to his knees, I think.

Some of you may remember me saying that I couldn't believe I'd bought something to support the Green Bay Packers.....

Well?? how else was I going to make him a Big Piece of Cheese???


and how about you? what are you/your kids going to be for Halloween this year? Do you make or buy your costumes???

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A long night and a deep thought.

I'm grateful for my job. I truly do love it.

I do, however, work 6 nights a week.

I'm grateful that my daughter's diarrhea hit her on my (one) night off this week. So that I was able to concentrate on taking care of MY kid without having to stop and tell others how to take care of thier kids!

But what do you do with a 4 yr old who had a long nap during the day and is now up ALLLLLL night?

Why, you get to work on that Halloween Costume! That's what!

anyone know what she's gonna be??

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I love reading articles that celebrate marriage!

rather than the typical drivel predicting when Brad Pitt's going to ditch Angelina or whatever....

Secrets of Longest Celeb Marriages.

by, on Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:50am

Martin Sheen and Janet Templeton (Getty Images)

Staying married is tough enough for ordinary people. But in the midst of all the temptations of Hollywood, it’s sometimes impossible. That’s why we’re all the more impressed with these couples who have made a life together. Here's how they did it:

Martin Sheen and Janet Templeton: Weather the Tough Times Together

Sheen, 71, and his wife are approaching their 50th anniversary this year. Although Sheen’s struggled with alcoholism, and the couple’s son Charlie has had a few notorious blowups, they’ve remained together through the hard times. And he values her as much as life itself. Though he’s famously liberal, Sheen is pro-life because Templeton was conceived as the result of a rape, and he once told an interviewer that if abortion had been available at the time, she would never have been born.

Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens: Choose Carefully

Douglas, 94, and his wife have the longest-lasting marriage in Hollywood – 57 years. Douglas credits that to his steadfast, supportive wife – “You can tell a lot about a guy by the woman he marries.”

Alan Alda and Arlene Weiss (Getty Images)

Alan Alda and Arlene Weiss: Keep a Sense of Humor

read the rest here.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bad Plan??

I keep thinking I should separate these two.

Because they're really not as alike as they look!