First and foremost, leave as many funny definitions for either word (or both) as you can think up in the comments!! The ones that make me laugh the hardest will be given the Silly Goose Award.

Last week's Silly Goose Winners are:
Jungle Mom said...
kaffeeklatsch, pronounced,'coffee clutch', Which is what you do each morning when gripping your first mug of coffee.
(can be seen each morning in Subvet's kitchen!)
Linda said..
kaon - Second cousin to Khan, a Romulan warrior who battled Captain Kirk in several Star Trek episodes!
Next, if you know (or think you know) the true definitions without looking them up then be sure and leave those in the comments too!! All definitions that are correct (or close enough for government work and Mighty Mom) will win the Smarty Pants Award!

Diane J knew kaffeeklatsch!
Official Definitions:
kaon - a meson with strangeness +1 and either positive or zero electric charge, or its antiparticle with strangeness -1 and either negative or zero electric charge. Symbol: K Also called K meson
Should anyone want to define that definition for me I'd sure appreciate it! :-)
kaffeeklatsch - a social gathering for informal conversation at which coffee is served.
In other words, any gathering at held at my house!
Now, our words for next week are.....
Have fun now ya hear!!