Well, my long time readers will know that if I run across a prayer request on another blog I will occasionally pass it along here.
Tonight my prayer request is for myself and our family, for our New Year.
2008 will be bringing many changes in the MightyMom/Subvet household. The biggest of these changes is that Subvet will become SuperDad and MightyMom will revert to her former persona of NinjaNurse. We have decided that for several reasons it makes sense for us to trade roles. This means that my resume is out there in inter-land. I ask you to pray with me that I will get a job that not only allows me to be sole bread-winner for our family's many needs, but also a job that I can be successful at and thrive in.....and that's nights so we can continue to keep only one car.
I will also be having surgery sometime around March and am praying that the surgery goes well and that my new job will accommodate the time off, as well as the need to still have money during that time off......
Thanks folks,
And Have a Happy and Safe New Year!!
My Husband "Subvet" says that when our first son "Sonshine" was born the sun rose on our world, when our second son "Gator" was born the sun laughed and when our daughter "Sugars" was born all the flowers bloomed. That says it all.
"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning how to dance in the rain."
It's about learning how to dance in the rain."
Your mind is the garden, your
thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds. — William
thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds. — William
Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Answers, Winners and Chit Chat
In reverse order.
Well, the question about New Years has been answered.
Subvet stayed up late, made a special trip, drove 70 miles, and arrived home bearing 2 quarts of eggnog AND 2 new books!! Sue Grafton's T is for Trespass and Janet Evanovich's Twelve Sharp
I have THE BEST husband in the world!!
Hooligans are somewhat better...still kinda peekid though.
Overall, I must say it's a good day....and Subvet just made my week! :-)
AND I have 2 NEW COMMENTORS!! I love new commentors! Just makes my heart smile to know another person has drifted through My Wonderful Life, some stay and chat, others drift elsewhere, but I love you all!
So.......who's ready to see the winners for this week??
oops, sorry, more chit chat.
Now I'm not one to get messages from God based on how the curtains are moving with the breeze.
But I have to say that the idea for this silly game must have been given to me straight from on High. I have enjoyed this more than I can put into words. Y'all make me smile every week. I'll go back and reread all your responses throughout the week if I'm feeling blue and you folks just brighten me right up.
So I want to say thank you for blessing me with your silliness and smartiness!
And keep coming back!
OK OK OK, enough sap!
And the winners are....................

Pannier (pah' nee yer)is a Southern term meaning "more filled with pine trees than yours". Example: Mah woods is "pannier" than yers is, Jake.
Spital is drool...
I'm probably a bit warped, but as I've spent over 4 years now covered in drool, I found calling it spital hilarious!

Diane and bumblevee were both right about pannier....
pannier or panier (pan'yer) n 1. a basket, esp a large one, for carrying goods, provisions, etc 2. one of a pair of baskets to be slung across the back of a pack animal. 3. Also called pannier drape on a dress, skirt, etc a puffed arrangement of drapery at the hips 4. an oval framework or a pair of hoops formerly used for distending the skirt of a dress at the hips.
Why on earth would someone want to make their hips look bigger?? Must not be built like ME!
spital 1 a hospital, esp one for lazars 2 a shelter on a highway.
Don't know about you but I had to look up lazars. It refers to folk who have leprosy.
Have a good weekend folks!
Well, the question about New Years has been answered.
Subvet stayed up late, made a special trip, drove 70 miles, and arrived home bearing 2 quarts of eggnog AND 2 new books!! Sue Grafton's T is for Trespass and Janet Evanovich's Twelve Sharp
I have THE BEST husband in the world!!
Hooligans are somewhat better...still kinda peekid though.
Overall, I must say it's a good day....and Subvet just made my week! :-)
AND I have 2 NEW COMMENTORS!! I love new commentors! Just makes my heart smile to know another person has drifted through My Wonderful Life, some stay and chat, others drift elsewhere, but I love you all!
So.......who's ready to see the winners for this week??
oops, sorry, more chit chat.
Now I'm not one to get messages from God based on how the curtains are moving with the breeze.
But I have to say that the idea for this silly game must have been given to me straight from on High. I have enjoyed this more than I can put into words. Y'all make me smile every week. I'll go back and reread all your responses throughout the week if I'm feeling blue and you folks just brighten me right up.
So I want to say thank you for blessing me with your silliness and smartiness!
And keep coming back!
OK OK OK, enough sap!
And the winners are....................

Pannier (pah' nee yer)is a Southern term meaning "more filled with pine trees than yours". Example: Mah woods is "pannier" than yers is, Jake.
Spital is drool...
I'm probably a bit warped, but as I've spent over 4 years now covered in drool, I found calling it spital hilarious!

Diane and bumblevee were both right about pannier....
pannier or panier (pan'yer) n 1. a basket, esp a large one, for carrying goods, provisions, etc 2. one of a pair of baskets to be slung across the back of a pack animal. 3. Also called pannier drape on a dress, skirt, etc a puffed arrangement of drapery at the hips 4. an oval framework or a pair of hoops formerly used for distending the skirt of a dress at the hips.
Why on earth would someone want to make their hips look bigger?? Must not be built like ME!
spital 1 a hospital, esp one for lazars 2 a shelter on a highway.
Don't know about you but I had to look up lazars. It refers to folk who have leprosy.
Have a good weekend folks!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thesaurus Thursday
Well, I did it again huh?
My poor brain totally skipped Thursday this week. We had quite a day today, took all 3 hooligans to the doctor for checkups.
Sonshine is >95th percentile for height and weight
Sugars is 25th percentile for both.
These are not surprising to anyone who's seen my 4 year old that is >44 inches tall or my almost 10 month old at 15lbs.
We're all sick. Apparently it's a virus (probably croup-ish) and we're just lazing around through the holidays.
I'm taking suggestions. What do you do for New Years when your hubby is working all night and you're tied to the house by 3 sleeping kids?
Maybe I should buy myself a quart or two of eggnog and a new book.....oops, that would break the piggy bank.....
ON to the game!!!
For those who are new here today, the "rules" of Thesaurus Thursday are as follows:
First and foremost, leave as many funny definitions for either word (or both) as you can think up in the comments!! The ones that make me laugh the hardest will be given the Silly Goose Award.
Next, if you know (or think you know) the true definitions without looking them up then be sure and leave those in the comments too!! All definitions that are correct (or close enough for government work and Mighty Mom) will win the Smarty Pants Award!
Awards will be given out in Saturday's post, so don't forget to come and see if you won!
Our words for this week are:
pannier or panier....this actually has 4 very different meanings so I will give bonus points to anyone who can name all 4...or can come up with 4 funny ones!
My poor brain totally skipped Thursday this week. We had quite a day today, took all 3 hooligans to the doctor for checkups.
Sonshine is >95th percentile for height and weight
Sugars is 25th percentile for both.
These are not surprising to anyone who's seen my 4 year old that is >44 inches tall or my almost 10 month old at 15lbs.
We're all sick. Apparently it's a virus (probably croup-ish) and we're just lazing around through the holidays.
I'm taking suggestions. What do you do for New Years when your hubby is working all night and you're tied to the house by 3 sleeping kids?
Maybe I should buy myself a quart or two of eggnog and a new book.....oops, that would break the piggy bank.....
ON to the game!!!
For those who are new here today, the "rules" of Thesaurus Thursday are as follows:
First and foremost, leave as many funny definitions for either word (or both) as you can think up in the comments!! The ones that make me laugh the hardest will be given the Silly Goose Award.

Next, if you know (or think you know) the true definitions without looking them up then be sure and leave those in the comments too!! All definitions that are correct (or close enough for government work and Mighty Mom) will win the Smarty Pants Award!

Awards will be given out in Saturday's post, so don't forget to come and see if you won!
Our words for this week are:
pannier or panier....this actually has 4 very different meanings so I will give bonus points to anyone who can name all 4...or can come up with 4 funny ones!
Show and Tell
Here you have it folks!
These are the Christmas tree ornaments that I made for this year. It's the best pic I could get with my crappy camera. I really enjoy making these and they're incredibly easy! This is the 4th year I have made ornaments. Here are the other 3 years' bounty.
The cross was 2004, the candy cane was 2005, the star 2006, the stocking 2007, and NO, I'm not telling what 2008 will look like. :-)
The bonus this year was that I only spent about $10 on tags and stamps. So, that's 36 gifts for <28 cents a piece. I now need to stock up on discount Christmas fabric for next year and will be doing that shortly...
Go on over to Kelli's to see all the other Show and Tells!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Lost Paternity Suit.

This is a picture of my husband Subvet and his late brother. They are 16 months apart in age and this was taken Dec 23, 1959 when Subvet was 7 and his brother 5. Or so it says on the back.

Here is a picture of our sons, who are 15 months apart in age. This was taken Sept 2007 (Don't ask the date I'm not as good as my MIL about writing those things down.) The boys are almost 4 and 2 1/2.
Here's a bigger smile on Gator-boy.

And oh, by the way, I am LOVING having my very own scanner :-)
So what do you think??
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Another Meme...there's more to come......
Tagged by Cookie
1. Wrapping or gift bags?I prefer to open wrapped gifts but I usually reuse gift bags as they're quick and easy and I'm always wrapping at the last possible second. This year was a record. I put my MIL's gift for Mon night in a bag that my gift from my Step-mom came in on Sun night. :-)
2. Real or artificial tree?Artificial
3. When do you put up the tree?ummmmm when I get tired of waiting for hubby to do it. This year he beat me :-)
4. When do you take the tree down?when I can no longer convince hubby to leave it another week...
5. Do you like egg nog?Love it, never had it spiked. It was great to be pregnant at the end of the year as eggnog has a ton of calories and I could just say I was drinking that second quart "for the baby"...
6. Favorite gift received as a child?See post titled "Santa Claus"
7. Do you have a nativity scene?I have 2 small (Mary Joe and baby) nativity scenes, a pattern for a quilted nativity scene I will "one day" get made and am now on the lookout for a preprinted pattern for a stuffed scene.....saw at Preschool and loved it...
8. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?I really can't think of one.
9. Mail or e-mail Christmas cards?mail. I prefer real mail, and real books etc. I will frequently print something before reading.
10. Favorite Christmas movie?A Christmas Carol. (with Michael Caine for those who're interested.)
11. When do you start shopping for Christmas?ummm, well, since we have a youngin b-day at the end of November and Subvet's B-day is late Oct I do birthdays and Christmas at the same time usually early to mid October definitely finished by mid Nov. I refuse to go near a mall during December and will only go to WalMart if absolutely unavoidable. For all the gifts I make I try to start about Sept/Oct.
12. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?things that are edible. (pecan pie if I have to pick)
13. Clear lights or colored on the tree?Colored
14. Favorite Christmas song?Grandma got run over by a Reindeer. And NO they did not play it this year either. I'm hoping hubby will find it on clearance at Walmart this week.
Diane, I haven't forgotten your meme...I'll get there this week too. Anyone else tag me when I wasn't looking?? Please let me know. And Sondra, if you're lurking I need you to leave a comment cuz your URL is one I lost in the Technical Difficulties. Actually folks, I've made my rounds as best I can tonight so if you didn't get a Merry Christmas comment from me you need to leave me a comment.
1. Wrapping or gift bags?I prefer to open wrapped gifts but I usually reuse gift bags as they're quick and easy and I'm always wrapping at the last possible second. This year was a record. I put my MIL's gift for Mon night in a bag that my gift from my Step-mom came in on Sun night. :-)
2. Real or artificial tree?Artificial
3. When do you put up the tree?ummmmm when I get tired of waiting for hubby to do it. This year he beat me :-)
4. When do you take the tree down?when I can no longer convince hubby to leave it another week...
5. Do you like egg nog?Love it, never had it spiked. It was great to be pregnant at the end of the year as eggnog has a ton of calories and I could just say I was drinking that second quart "for the baby"...
6. Favorite gift received as a child?See post titled "Santa Claus"
7. Do you have a nativity scene?I have 2 small (Mary Joe and baby) nativity scenes, a pattern for a quilted nativity scene I will "one day" get made and am now on the lookout for a preprinted pattern for a stuffed scene.....saw at Preschool and loved it...
8. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?I really can't think of one.
9. Mail or e-mail Christmas cards?mail. I prefer real mail, and real books etc. I will frequently print something before reading.
10. Favorite Christmas movie?A Christmas Carol. (with Michael Caine for those who're interested.)
11. When do you start shopping for Christmas?ummm, well, since we have a youngin b-day at the end of November and Subvet's B-day is late Oct I do birthdays and Christmas at the same time usually early to mid October definitely finished by mid Nov. I refuse to go near a mall during December and will only go to WalMart if absolutely unavoidable. For all the gifts I make I try to start about Sept/Oct.
12. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?things that are edible. (pecan pie if I have to pick)
13. Clear lights or colored on the tree?Colored
14. Favorite Christmas song?Grandma got run over by a Reindeer. And NO they did not play it this year either. I'm hoping hubby will find it on clearance at Walmart this week.
Diane, I haven't forgotten your meme...I'll get there this week too. Anyone else tag me when I wasn't looking?? Please let me know. And Sondra, if you're lurking I need you to leave a comment cuz your URL is one I lost in the Technical Difficulties. Actually folks, I've made my rounds as best I can tonight so if you didn't get a Merry Christmas comment from me you need to leave me a comment.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Tiny Talk Tuesday.....ish.
TINY TALK TUESDAY is NOT once again upon us. There is no reason to go see Mary at Not Before 7 for more of this fun event.
However, I'm on a roll and since all 3 kids are asleep and hubby is at work (working a 12 hour shift) I'm gonna just hold my own Christmas Day (Night) Tiny Talk and tell you what I've been laughing at for the last 2 days...just in case you were about to call the guys with the butterfly nets and hug me jackets on me, I assure you there really is a reason.
For the last couple of days Sonshine has been saying "I am sauced mama, I am sauced!"
It has taken me about 3 days to figure out that he is saying I'm exhausted....I kept wondering what on earth they're putting in our water these days......
Now I must tell you a story.
My MIL was here last night for dinner (hubby made prime rib and it was fabulous!) We decided that we would all go to my church for the 7pm service.
So Subvet is buckling the boys in the back, MIL is getting in the front and I am bringing up the rear with Sugars. Right as I get up to the van Sonshine yells out at the top of his lungs "Mama, Mama, Daddy said squashed frog Mamma! YES!! DADDY SQUISHED A FROG!!"
Well, a Merry Christmas to each of you who read my blatherings and God's blessings on your families.
Remember that in the best of times as well as in the worst of times, it is ALWAYS a Wonderful Life!
However, I'm on a roll and since all 3 kids are asleep and hubby is at work (working a 12 hour shift) I'm gonna just hold my own Christmas Day (Night) Tiny Talk and tell you what I've been laughing at for the last 2 days...just in case you were about to call the guys with the butterfly nets and hug me jackets on me, I assure you there really is a reason.
For the last couple of days Sonshine has been saying "I am sauced mama, I am sauced!"
It has taken me about 3 days to figure out that he is saying I'm exhausted....I kept wondering what on earth they're putting in our water these days......
Now I must tell you a story.
My MIL was here last night for dinner (hubby made prime rib and it was fabulous!) We decided that we would all go to my church for the 7pm service.
So Subvet is buckling the boys in the back, MIL is getting in the front and I am bringing up the rear with Sugars. Right as I get up to the van Sonshine yells out at the top of his lungs "Mama, Mama, Daddy said squashed frog Mamma! YES!! DADDY SQUISHED A FROG!!"
Well, a Merry Christmas to each of you who read my blatherings and God's blessings on your families.
Remember that in the best of times as well as in the worst of times, it is ALWAYS a Wonderful Life!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
can't get no respect
X got you huh??
here you go
xylomotous - (zi lot' e mes) adj boring into or cutting wood, as certain insects.
xanthus (zan' thes) adj 1) yellow 2) yellowish
for those who said they had trouble pronouncing the x-words here's a clue. No matter what "Leap Frog" says. Most times, when it begins a word "x" is pronounced like a "z" as in xylophone.
our Silly Goose this week is Diane, with "Xylotomous: A genetic cross between a xylophone and a hippopotamus."
cheers to you all, I'm still trying to get these silly gifts finished...WAAAAYYYY behind this year...something about 3 babies to take care of.......
X got you huh??
here you go
xylomotous - (zi lot' e mes) adj boring into or cutting wood, as certain insects.
xanthus (zan' thes) adj 1) yellow 2) yellowish
for those who said they had trouble pronouncing the x-words here's a clue. No matter what "Leap Frog" says. Most times, when it begins a word "x" is pronounced like a "z" as in xylophone.
our Silly Goose this week is Diane, with "Xylotomous: A genetic cross between a xylophone and a hippopotamus."
cheers to you all, I'm still trying to get these silly gifts finished...WAAAAYYYY behind this year...something about 3 babies to take care of.......
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thesaurus Thursday
Probably the most impressive outcome of this game is that I have FINALLY learned how to spell thesaurus. Simply Amazing!
For those who are new here today, the "rules" of Thesaurus Thursday are as follows:
First and foremost, leave as many funny definitions for either word (or both) as you can think up in the comments!! The ones that make me laugh the hardest will be given the Silly Goose Award.
Next, if you know (or think you know) the true definitions without looking them up then be sure and leave those in the comments too!! All definitions that are correct (or close enough for government work and Mighty Mom) will win the Smarty Pants Award!
Awards will be given out in Saturday's post, so don't forget to come and see if you won!
Our words for this week are:
And here's a little trivia from Mr Webster about something I've refused to write for several years.
Xmas - Christmas usage The abbreviation Xmas for Christmas dates from the mid-16th cent. The X is the Greek letter chi, the initial in the word Christos "Christ" In spite of a long and respectable history, today Xmas is objectionable to many, perhaps because of its associations with advertising. It is not used in formal writing.
Interesting.....so using Xmas is NOT taking Christ out of Christmas after all....hmmmm
For those who are new here today, the "rules" of Thesaurus Thursday are as follows:
First and foremost, leave as many funny definitions for either word (or both) as you can think up in the comments!! The ones that make me laugh the hardest will be given the Silly Goose Award.

Next, if you know (or think you know) the true definitions without looking them up then be sure and leave those in the comments too!! All definitions that are correct (or close enough for government work and Mighty Mom) will win the Smarty Pants Award!

Awards will be given out in Saturday's post, so don't forget to come and see if you won!
Our words for this week are:
And here's a little trivia from Mr Webster about something I've refused to write for several years.
Xmas - Christmas usage The abbreviation Xmas for Christmas dates from the mid-16th cent. The X is the Greek letter chi, the initial in the word Christos "Christ" In spite of a long and respectable history, today Xmas is objectionable to many, perhaps because of its associations with advertising. It is not used in formal writing.
Interesting.....so using Xmas is NOT taking Christ out of Christmas after all....hmmmm
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Remember those?
Waaay back when, almost a month ago I was doing these Sarah's Simple Sewing Secrets on Wednesday posts....then the cat killed the modem on a Tuesday....then the computer crashed the following Wed......
Well, I'm back to let you know...I can really shake it down.
Do you Love me??
Oh, sorry, broke out in song there.
So, today, I am going to tell you another way to make a simple and fast baby blanket. I would ask my friend who received one of these to email me a pic of it to put up on this post.....BUT, I'm (ahem) still waiting (ahem) for my Vista compatable Yahoo disk. So you'll just have to take my word that it's pretty darnded cutesie.
Here's what you do.
buy 2 pieces of flannel that look good together and are the same size. I usually get 3/4 yard of each (or 1 1/2 yard of one and cut in half) for a good sized but not huge blankie.
lay the 2 pieces of flannel down right sides together. starting in about the middle of one side sew a straight stitch around the outside, leave about 6 inch gap open between where you started sewing and where you stop.
cut the corners like this so that it will lay flat with a nice corner when finished.

turn right side out, use a fingernail or pencil or something to poke out your corners.
sew again on the right side, close to the edge (1/4 inch works well) this will give it a nice edge and will close the hole that was used to turn the blanket right side out.
now pick out a cute stitch that you like either in matching or in contrasting thread. The "decoratives stitches" work well, or a plain zig-zag or surge stitch look good to. Sew about 1 1/2 -3 inches from the edge of the blanket all the way around. This last step is the kicker. It not only makes the blanket "look finished" but using the heavier stitching will also give the edges heft. This is what keeps the blanket on the baby despite the wiggles.
I have to tell you I love these blankets. I've gotten more comments about how useful they are and great to have around than from anything else I've made. They end up as just the right heaviness and are big enough you can use them for more than a month--unlike store bought receiving blankets.
Waaay back when, almost a month ago I was doing these Sarah's Simple Sewing Secrets on Wednesday posts....then the cat killed the modem on a Tuesday....then the computer crashed the following Wed......
Well, I'm back to let you know...I can really shake it down.
Do you Love me??
Oh, sorry, broke out in song there.
So, today, I am going to tell you another way to make a simple and fast baby blanket. I would ask my friend who received one of these to email me a pic of it to put up on this post.....BUT, I'm (ahem) still waiting (ahem) for my Vista compatable Yahoo disk. So you'll just have to take my word that it's pretty darnded cutesie.
Here's what you do.
buy 2 pieces of flannel that look good together and are the same size. I usually get 3/4 yard of each (or 1 1/2 yard of one and cut in half) for a good sized but not huge blankie.
lay the 2 pieces of flannel down right sides together. starting in about the middle of one side sew a straight stitch around the outside, leave about 6 inch gap open between where you started sewing and where you stop.
cut the corners like this so that it will lay flat with a nice corner when finished.

turn right side out, use a fingernail or pencil or something to poke out your corners.
sew again on the right side, close to the edge (1/4 inch works well) this will give it a nice edge and will close the hole that was used to turn the blanket right side out.
now pick out a cute stitch that you like either in matching or in contrasting thread. The "decoratives stitches" work well, or a plain zig-zag or surge stitch look good to. Sew about 1 1/2 -3 inches from the edge of the blanket all the way around. This last step is the kicker. It not only makes the blanket "look finished" but using the heavier stitching will also give the edges heft. This is what keeps the blanket on the baby despite the wiggles.
I have to tell you I love these blankets. I've gotten more comments about how useful they are and great to have around than from anything else I've made. They end up as just the right heaviness and are big enough you can use them for more than a month--unlike store bought receiving blankets.
Testing, 1…2…3…
Anyone out there??
Can you hear me now??
Well, yikes, what a week!! Sorry about that folks, it’s been crazy around here! I shall now try to tie up the loose ends that I left hanging.For starters (and enders) let’s get this Alphabet Soup made and ready to serve or freeze ok?
T is for Technical Difficulties. Well, apparently the hard drives in these computers are not intended to last more than 8 years. So it was off to the computer store for us. While this was NOT a planned expense, it is nice to have a faster CPU and a nice new monitor and printer. However, I am back (sorta….I’ll get to that on “V”) and I am very grateful that we were able to replace the dinosaur.
U is for Unfinished…like the answers you are eagerly awaiting with bated breath (RIGHT?!) Aaaahhhhh…… let’s see here. I had y’all guessing as to what Sonshine calls certain Christmas carols. The answers are:Wunnerful Time is “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” Want for Christmas is “All I want for Christmas is You” The Hiccup song is “The Man With All the Toys” (it’s by the Beach Boys and if you don’t know why he calls it that then go listen to the song again!Please Happy Dog is “Feliz Navidad”And as an added bonus for having to wait so long I'll tell you that he calls Handel's Hallelujah Chorus "the yawning song" because he thought they were saying "yawning, yawning..." (this has been remedied but the nickname stuck)
V is for Vista (I hate it…let me tell you why…) As I mentioned, our CPU was about 8 years old, the monitor was older and the printer about 3 or 4 years old. GUESS WHAT??!! They all had to be replaced because all the computers out there for sale now have Vista. This tripled our expected price tag folks. In addition NONE of our programs were compatible with Vista. I had Norton Antivirus 2006...still had the box, book, disk everything but GUESS WHAT?? Not compatable. I was plenty happy with the Microsoft Office we had, but GUESS WHAT??!! $150 for the latest version which is Vista compatable...then they wanted to charge another $49.95 to INSTALL it!!!! HOLY CROW! All you have to do is click on continue about 8 times..then click on Finish...no thanks. I think I can install software, sheeesh. And so why am I only "sorta" online????? Because (you guessed it) the Yahoo! software disk I keep safe for just such an occasion as this isn't compatable with Vista. So I am STILL waiting for AT&T to get a new disk to me. This means that I have no email access at this time. Hopefully the silly-hineyed disk will arrive in tomorrow's mail and I will be able to see how many of you wrote to me in my absence. uugggghhh, I'm mad enough to type all night....let's move on shall we??
W is for Winter?? (all 2 days of it so far) What happened to Winter? Good Grief! We had a hard freeze and I thought well, here's the cold. It was in the 30's for 2 days. Today the high was lower 60's so I'm guessing Winter is over and we've moved on to Spring.... X is for Xenoch or Xenox or something... When I was in 6th grade we studied Australia. Our big project was to do A-Z of Australia. I also happened to go to church with a man who had immigrated from Australia at that time. So Mom suggested I interview him for the class. I came up with some rather silly questions and he graciously answered them all. Well, I was stumped on "X"..as most people are and I just hate when people us things like "X marks the spot" or "X-ray" or "eXcitement" to me it's just cheating. So, I asked my interviewee if he knew of a word from Australia that started with an X. He did! yipee! I can't remember how to spell it now, but he described it as being similar to a boullion cube. X is a nice letter you know, and it begins more words than Xylophone so we really should treat it with more respect.Y is for “YUK song” There is one song on this CD that my mom made that is not at all Christmassy. It isn't listed on the case she made so I don't know where it came from. It's mostly 80s synth intrumental stuff. There is someone singing in the background but I can't make out what they're saying. Every time this song comes on I say "YUK!" and skip it. Well, now Sonshine is REQUESTING "The Yuk song!" (go figure!) Today I recopied that CD along with a few other favorites and (low and behold) I managed to leave out the Yuk song. aaawwwwww.Z is for Zip-a-dee-do-dah I think I've mentioned before that I break out in song when I'm under stress. This is my favorite song to bust forth at those times. Don't know why it just does. Well, you can imagine that I've been singing quite regularly during this week :-) I am going to slowly catch up with all of you. But please note. I lost all my bookmarks. So, if you would like me to come by your site again you need to leave me a comment, otherwise you may be lost forever.
Anyone out there??
Can you hear me now??
Well, yikes, what a week!! Sorry about that folks, it’s been crazy around here! I shall now try to tie up the loose ends that I left hanging.For starters (and enders) let’s get this Alphabet Soup made and ready to serve or freeze ok?
T is for Technical Difficulties. Well, apparently the hard drives in these computers are not intended to last more than 8 years. So it was off to the computer store for us. While this was NOT a planned expense, it is nice to have a faster CPU and a nice new monitor and printer. However, I am back (sorta….I’ll get to that on “V”) and I am very grateful that we were able to replace the dinosaur.
U is for Unfinished…like the answers you are eagerly awaiting with bated breath (RIGHT?!) Aaaahhhhh…… let’s see here. I had y’all guessing as to what Sonshine calls certain Christmas carols. The answers are:Wunnerful Time is “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” Want for Christmas is “All I want for Christmas is You” The Hiccup song is “The Man With All the Toys” (it’s by the Beach Boys and if you don’t know why he calls it that then go listen to the song again!Please Happy Dog is “Feliz Navidad”And as an added bonus for having to wait so long I'll tell you that he calls Handel's Hallelujah Chorus "the yawning song" because he thought they were saying "yawning, yawning..." (this has been remedied but the nickname stuck)
V is for Vista (I hate it…let me tell you why…) As I mentioned, our CPU was about 8 years old, the monitor was older and the printer about 3 or 4 years old. GUESS WHAT??!! They all had to be replaced because all the computers out there for sale now have Vista. This tripled our expected price tag folks. In addition NONE of our programs were compatible with Vista. I had Norton Antivirus 2006...still had the box, book, disk everything but GUESS WHAT?? Not compatable. I was plenty happy with the Microsoft Office we had, but GUESS WHAT??!! $150 for the latest version which is Vista compatable...then they wanted to charge another $49.95 to INSTALL it!!!! HOLY CROW! All you have to do is click on continue about 8 times..then click on Finish...no thanks. I think I can install software, sheeesh. And so why am I only "sorta" online????? Because (you guessed it) the Yahoo! software disk I keep safe for just such an occasion as this isn't compatable with Vista. So I am STILL waiting for AT&T to get a new disk to me. This means that I have no email access at this time. Hopefully the silly-hineyed disk will arrive in tomorrow's mail and I will be able to see how many of you wrote to me in my absence. uugggghhh, I'm mad enough to type all night....let's move on shall we??
W is for Winter?? (all 2 days of it so far) What happened to Winter? Good Grief! We had a hard freeze and I thought well, here's the cold. It was in the 30's for 2 days. Today the high was lower 60's so I'm guessing Winter is over and we've moved on to Spring.... X is for Xenoch or Xenox or something... When I was in 6th grade we studied Australia. Our big project was to do A-Z of Australia. I also happened to go to church with a man who had immigrated from Australia at that time. So Mom suggested I interview him for the class. I came up with some rather silly questions and he graciously answered them all. Well, I was stumped on "X"..as most people are and I just hate when people us things like "X marks the spot" or "X-ray" or "eXcitement" to me it's just cheating. So, I asked my interviewee if he knew of a word from Australia that started with an X. He did! yipee! I can't remember how to spell it now, but he described it as being similar to a boullion cube. X is a nice letter you know, and it begins more words than Xylophone so we really should treat it with more respect.Y is for “YUK song” There is one song on this CD that my mom made that is not at all Christmassy. It isn't listed on the case she made so I don't know where it came from. It's mostly 80s synth intrumental stuff. There is someone singing in the background but I can't make out what they're saying. Every time this song comes on I say "YUK!" and skip it. Well, now Sonshine is REQUESTING "The Yuk song!" (go figure!) Today I recopied that CD along with a few other favorites and (low and behold) I managed to leave out the Yuk song. aaawwwwww.Z is for Zip-a-dee-do-dah I think I've mentioned before that I break out in song when I'm under stress. This is my favorite song to bust forth at those times. Don't know why it just does. Well, you can imagine that I've been singing quite regularly during this week :-) I am going to slowly catch up with all of you. But please note. I lost all my bookmarks. So, if you would like me to come by your site again you need to leave me a comment, otherwise you may be lost forever.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Another guest post.....
Our computer at home died so MightyMom will not be posting for a couple of days until she gets a new one. Yep, we'll just walk out back to where the money tree grows and grab a double handfull.
Funny how these things are almost a necessity now. Kind of like automobiles, we all know life would go on without a car but just try doing it sometime. Especially if you have any serious commuting to do to get to your job. Yet a hundred years ago cars were a luxury for us.
Pardon the philosophical comments.
Subvet (via the office computer).
Funny how these things are almost a necessity now. Kind of like automobiles, we all know life would go on without a car but just try doing it sometime. Especially if you have any serious commuting to do to get to your job. Yet a hundred years ago cars were a luxury for us.
Pardon the philosophical comments.
Subvet (via the office computer).
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Last Saturday night
Tiny Talk with a Twist
TINY TALK TUESDAY is once again upon us. Go see Mary at Not Before 7 to see more of this fun event.
This week I'm adding a twist heeheehee.
I'm going to tell you what Sonshine calls 4 Christmas Carols and you get to guess which ones he's talking about.
1) wunderful time
2) want for Christmas
3) the hiccup song
4) Please Happy Dog
This week I'm adding a twist heeheehee.
I'm going to tell you what Sonshine calls 4 Christmas Carols and you get to guess which ones he's talking about.
1) wunderful time
2) want for Christmas
3) the hiccup song
4) Please Happy Dog
Monday, December 10, 2007
True Confessions
That last post says it was written on Friday cuz I wanted to keep em all together, but it was actually written on Saturday...at about 3am.
After posting "Remembering" I went by Cookie's place, then got curious.
I started reading everything I could find on the attack at Pearl Harbor. That's when I went back and added all the pics. I read and read and cried and cried that night. Well into morning. I don't know (or care) if you believe such things, but I felt like this room was full of soldiers urging me to learn...then to teach. So that they should not be forgotten as another generation comes of age.
Here's what I learned.
1) The United States of America is the BEST damn country in the world.
2) You may knock us down, but you'd better watch out when we get back up.
3) We ALWAYS get back up.
Let me tell you folks, I am now totally in awe of Navy "SeaBee's" such as Cookie and Diane's Dad. For folks who are unversed in the lingo. SeaBee is a slang for C.B. which stands for Construction Battalion (Cookie, jump in here if I get anything wrong!) These are the folk who build and repair all Navy craft.
We had 12 ships "sunk or beached" and 9 "damaged" in that attack.
Not to menton all the planes and buildings.
Now, to this city girl, "sunk" means dead. Sitting on the bottom rusting. But "All U.S. Ships except Arizona, Utah, and Oklahoma were salvaged and later saw action."
Most of those ships were saved and sent back to war within the year. And the cleanup was dirty, oily work.
Follow the links folks, look at the pictures. This is an AMAZING story that you won't soon forget! And remember that no matter how bleak the scenery looks, there's always a way to rebuild, and strike back.
After posting "Remembering" I went by Cookie's place, then got curious.
I started reading everything I could find on the attack at Pearl Harbor. That's when I went back and added all the pics. I read and read and cried and cried that night. Well into morning. I don't know (or care) if you believe such things, but I felt like this room was full of soldiers urging me to learn...then to teach. So that they should not be forgotten as another generation comes of age.
Here's what I learned.
1) The United States of America is the BEST damn country in the world.
2) You may knock us down, but you'd better watch out when we get back up.
3) We ALWAYS get back up.
Let me tell you folks, I am now totally in awe of Navy "SeaBee's" such as Cookie and Diane's Dad. For folks who are unversed in the lingo. SeaBee is a slang for C.B. which stands for Construction Battalion (Cookie, jump in here if I get anything wrong!) These are the folk who build and repair all Navy craft.
We had 12 ships "sunk or beached" and 9 "damaged" in that attack.
Not to menton all the planes and buildings.
Now, to this city girl, "sunk" means dead. Sitting on the bottom rusting. But "All U.S. Ships except Arizona, Utah, and Oklahoma were salvaged and later saw action."
Most of those ships were saved and sent back to war within the year. And the cleanup was dirty, oily work.
Follow the links folks, look at the pictures. This is an AMAZING story that you won't soon forget! And remember that no matter how bleak the scenery looks, there's always a way to rebuild, and strike back.
Friday, December 7, 2007
For More Information

The USS Arizona. ".... and as you can see from the picture, she still mourns her dead...." Cookie
For more information about the effects of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 2007
A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America
On December 7, 1941, our Nation was viciously attacked at Pearl Harbor, America's Pacific Fleet was battered and broken, and more than 2,400 American lives were lost. On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, America honors those brave individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our homeland, and we recognize those veterans who with strength and resolve defended our Nation and advanced the cause of freedom during World War II.
When it mattered most, an entire generation of Americans stepped forward to protect our freedom and to defend liberty. Their devotion to duty and willingness to serve a cause greater than self helped secure our future and our way of life. Liberty prevailed because of the sacrifice of these courageous patriots, and America and her allies preserved a world where democracy could flourish. Our Nation remains forever in the debt of these brave Americans.
From the unprovoked attack at Pearl Harbor grew a steadfast resolve that has made America a defender of freedom around the world, and our mission continues as our men and women in uniform serve at home and in distant lands. Today, as we defend our Nation's founding ideals, we pay special tribute to those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor, honor our veterans of World War II, and celebrate the liberty that makes America a lasting symbol of hope to the world.
The Congress, by Public Law 103 308, as amended, has designated December 7 of each year as "National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day."
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim December 7, 2007, as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. I encourage all Americans to observe this solemn occasion with appropriate ceremonies and activities. I urge all Federal agencies, interested organizations, groups, and individuals to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff this December 7 in honor of those who died as a result of their service at Pearl Harbor.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
fourth day of December, in the year of our Lord two thousand seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-second.
A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America
On December 7, 1941, our Nation was viciously attacked at Pearl Harbor, America's Pacific Fleet was battered and broken, and more than 2,400 American lives were lost. On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, America honors those brave individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our homeland, and we recognize those veterans who with strength and resolve defended our Nation and advanced the cause of freedom during World War II.
When it mattered most, an entire generation of Americans stepped forward to protect our freedom and to defend liberty. Their devotion to duty and willingness to serve a cause greater than self helped secure our future and our way of life. Liberty prevailed because of the sacrifice of these courageous patriots, and America and her allies preserved a world where democracy could flourish. Our Nation remains forever in the debt of these brave Americans.
From the unprovoked attack at Pearl Harbor grew a steadfast resolve that has made America a defender of freedom around the world, and our mission continues as our men and women in uniform serve at home and in distant lands. Today, as we defend our Nation's founding ideals, we pay special tribute to those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor, honor our veterans of World War II, and celebrate the liberty that makes America a lasting symbol of hope to the world.
The Congress, by Public Law 103 308, as amended, has designated December 7 of each year as "National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day."
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim December 7, 2007, as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. I encourage all Americans to observe this solemn occasion with appropriate ceremonies and activities. I urge all Federal agencies, interested organizations, groups, and individuals to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff this December 7 in honor of those who died as a result of their service at Pearl Harbor.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
fourth day of December, in the year of our Lord two thousand seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-second.

The wrecked destroyers USS Downes (DD-375) and USS Cassin (DD-372) in Drydock One at the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard, soon after the end of the Japanese air attack. Cassin has capsized against Downes.
USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) is astern, occupying the rest of the drydock. The torpedo-damaged cruiser USS Helena (CL-50) is in the right distance, beyond the crane. Visible in the center distance is the capsized USS Oklahoma (BB-37), with USS Maryland (BB-46) alongside. Smoke is from the sunken and burning USS Arizona (BB-39), out of view behind Pennsylvania. USS California (BB-44) is partially visible at the extreme left.
This image has been attributed to Navy Photographer's Mate Harold Fawcett.

Destroyer USS Shaw exploding after her forward magazine was detonated

USS California sinking

USS West Virginia took two aerial bombs (one dud) and seven torpedo hits; of the seven at least five were from aircraft and one from a midget submarine
As I am writing this it is the Saturday before Labor Day. September first. We are trying to spread the word to get everyone to fly their American Flag on September eleventh in memory of the tragedy that took place 9/11/01.
However, you won't be seeing this post until December. December seventh to be exact.
Because 9/11/01 reminds me of 12/7/41.
The day that the American Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was bombed by the Japanese.
My Grandaddy fought in WWII, he lost his only brother in that war then was sent home as the last surviving male member of the family. He flew cargo planes for the US Army Air Corp....perhaps my love of flying and desire to be a (fighter) pilot is genetic.
I remember the sadness and frustration he expressed when we kids couldn't tell him what day Pearl Harbor had been bombed, or the names of the ships lost, or even how many ships, or what impact it had on WWII (The BIG 'un). I remember him saying that the world stopped that day...and when it started moving it was never the same again. I remember wondering what on earth he meant by that. I remember his anger when he went to the VA, that is Veteran's Affairs, hospital for a doctor's visit and found out that his assigned doctor was "a damn Jap!!" This wasn't a man given to fits of anger, but boy he got hot telling me about THAT! I remember wondering what the big deal was.
Then came 9/11/01 and I understood.
I understood the sadness and frustration when the people around me forgot to take note of that day. I remember how the world stopped, how my husband kept saying over and over that nothing will ever be the same again and I understood exactly what he meant. I understood the anger at any member of a specific group of people who were responsible for so much unprovoked bloodshed. I understood exactly what the big deal was.
In light of this understanding, I will never again forget 12/7/41. What it cost our countrymen and how it changed the world.
Do you have an American Flag?
Do you fly it at half-mast on Pearl Harbor Day?
Hello out there!!
well a couple of days and two trips to Radio Shack later, here I am, up and running.
Thanks for all your comments and emails while I was away.
I shall now attempt to wade through the backlog of your posts and emails :-)
Thanks for all your comments and emails while I was away.
I shall now attempt to wade through the backlog of your posts and emails :-)
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Guest post.
Due to our cat chewing through the cord from the tranformer to the modem, MightyMom will be unable to post for the next day or so. She hopes you'll all stop by when she gets back up and running.
Damned cats!
Damned cats!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Tiny Talk Tuesday
I don't know if it's just me or not, but I've actually started taking notes of what Sonshine says during the week so that I'll have something to put up on Tuesday. Otherwise all his silly sayings just fall out of the holes in my head come time to write this post each week.
So, the other night while I was fixing supper and they were playing in the living room I hear Sonshine say LOUDLY. "The kitty needs to go in the toilet!!!"
Now, I don't know if he's talking about potty training the cat or cleaning the toilet but I laughed and continued cooking. Then a minute or two later I hear "kitty need to go in the toilet....oh ....umm....oh...I need to go put TTs in the potty!!" well, OK, those are MAGIC WORDS in this house so I run..unlock the gate to the hallway and into the bathroom we go.....and there's kitty. TRAPPED.
I'm guessing he saw kitty drinking out of the toilet and wanted to go play with kitty, cuz he didn't need to go TT...just wanted in the bathroom. Poor kitty may never use that bathroom again.
As an aside. I have no idea where he heard the word "toilet" as we always say potty...even for mom and dad.
So, the other night while I was fixing supper and they were playing in the living room I hear Sonshine say LOUDLY. "The kitty needs to go in the toilet!!!"
Now, I don't know if he's talking about potty training the cat or cleaning the toilet but I laughed and continued cooking. Then a minute or two later I hear "kitty need to go in the toilet....oh ....umm....oh...I need to go put TTs in the potty!!" well, OK, those are MAGIC WORDS in this house so I run..unlock the gate to the hallway and into the bathroom we go.....and there's kitty. TRAPPED.
I'm guessing he saw kitty drinking out of the toilet and wanted to go play with kitty, cuz he didn't need to go TT...just wanted in the bathroom. Poor kitty may never use that bathroom again.
As an aside. I have no idea where he heard the word "toilet" as we always say potty...even for mom and dad.
The 'Marine Way' to Clean Your Toilet
1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.
2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.
3. In one swift movement, toss the cat in the toilet and slam both lids closed BEFORE his claws dig into the porcelain. Most likely you will need to stand on the lid.
4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Disregard the noises that come from the toilet. Remember, even though they will never admit it, cats actually enjoy this type of special pampering.
5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a 'power-wash' and 'power-rinse' and ensures that you get all those hard-to-reach spots.
6. Have someone else open the front and back doors of your home, ESPECIALLY SCREEN DOORS! Also have them ensure that there are no people between the bathroom and the nearest door.
7. Put on THICK leather work gloves and protective clothing on your arms and legs. Stand on the bathroom counter or the back of the toilet, yell 'FIRE IN THE HOLE - STAND CLEAR!!!' at the top of your lungs, wait 3 seconds until everyone is looking at you like you're crazy, and then quickly lift both lids.
8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet (this is where 9-foot ceilings REALLY pay off!), streak out of the bathroom, blast thru the house at mach 3, and shoot out the door like a bullet. Fear not ... Once outside he will take it upon himself to dry off and groom himself.
9. Voila! Both the toilet and the cat are clean!
The Dog
2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.
3. In one swift movement, toss the cat in the toilet and slam both lids closed BEFORE his claws dig into the porcelain. Most likely you will need to stand on the lid.
4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Disregard the noises that come from the toilet. Remember, even though they will never admit it, cats actually enjoy this type of special pampering.
5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a 'power-wash' and 'power-rinse' and ensures that you get all those hard-to-reach spots.
6. Have someone else open the front and back doors of your home, ESPECIALLY SCREEN DOORS! Also have them ensure that there are no people between the bathroom and the nearest door.
7. Put on THICK leather work gloves and protective clothing on your arms and legs. Stand on the bathroom counter or the back of the toilet, yell 'FIRE IN THE HOLE - STAND CLEAR!!!' at the top of your lungs, wait 3 seconds until everyone is looking at you like you're crazy, and then quickly lift both lids.
8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet (this is where 9-foot ceilings REALLY pay off!), streak out of the bathroom, blast thru the house at mach 3, and shoot out the door like a bullet. Fear not ... Once outside he will take it upon himself to dry off and groom himself.
9. Voila! Both the toilet and the cat are clean!
The Dog
Monday, December 3, 2007
Answers for Diana.
OK, I guess the "rule" is that you answer questions left in the comments in that particular comment string.
Yeah, well, if you haven't learned this by now, you should know that I periodically BREAK RULES. Just because I can. :-)
In the comments to each of my last two posts Diana at Sunshine on my Shoulders (a very good read that you NEED to check out!...go on ...I'll wait here.) has made some very lovely statements that I deem worthy of addressing out in the open where all can see.
Starting with last Saturday's Thesaurus Thursday Winners and Answers post. Diana said this:
where do you come up with these words? do you scour the dictionary or thesaurus looking for words that will stump us? just wondering. i have not known one of your words. what does that say about me and my vocabulary? :/
Darling Diana, what it says about your vocabulary is that it is the same as MINE! For those of you who weren't with me way back in July when I started Thesaurus Thursday (I can't believe it's been that long!) Here's the very first one which tells why I started this game in the first place. And yes, dear, I pull my 1992 Random House Webster's College Dictionary off the shelf and flip through looking for words I don't know...that I don't think any of you fine folk will know either. The whole point of this game is to increase our vocabulary. So, if you learn a new word every week, then we've been successful.
Now, in response to my Santa Claus post from Saturday Diana said this:
i believe in santa, too. i think he works closely with God. and your story is a beautiful and perfect example of that. thanks for sharing it. i would love to read a whole month's worth of posts like this one.
Now, if I wrote posts like this one all month I would flood out the neighborhood. Seeing as how our drought ended without the assistance of my tears I think I'll pass. However, I know that each of you have a wonderful and inspiring story to tell about what Christmas means to you, SO I'm challenging you to share your stories this month and spread joy around the web.
Just be sure and come back here and let me know when you post your stories.
Yeah, well, if you haven't learned this by now, you should know that I periodically BREAK RULES. Just because I can. :-)
In the comments to each of my last two posts Diana at Sunshine on my Shoulders (a very good read that you NEED to check out!...go on ...I'll wait here.) has made some very lovely statements that I deem worthy of addressing out in the open where all can see.
Starting with last Saturday's Thesaurus Thursday Winners and Answers post. Diana said this:
where do you come up with these words? do you scour the dictionary or thesaurus looking for words that will stump us? just wondering. i have not known one of your words. what does that say about me and my vocabulary? :/
Darling Diana, what it says about your vocabulary is that it is the same as MINE! For those of you who weren't with me way back in July when I started Thesaurus Thursday (I can't believe it's been that long!) Here's the very first one which tells why I started this game in the first place. And yes, dear, I pull my 1992 Random House Webster's College Dictionary off the shelf and flip through looking for words I don't know...that I don't think any of you fine folk will know either. The whole point of this game is to increase our vocabulary. So, if you learn a new word every week, then we've been successful.
Now, in response to my Santa Claus post from Saturday Diana said this:
i believe in santa, too. i think he works closely with God. and your story is a beautiful and perfect example of that. thanks for sharing it. i would love to read a whole month's worth of posts like this one.
Now, if I wrote posts like this one all month I would flood out the neighborhood. Seeing as how our drought ended without the assistance of my tears I think I'll pass. However, I know that each of you have a wonderful and inspiring story to tell about what Christmas means to you, SO I'm challenging you to share your stories this month and spread joy around the web.
Just be sure and come back here and let me know when you post your stories.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Santa Claus
OK, when I was a child we lived in what I now know was poverty. However, because my then step-father was going to SMU to seminary (he never finished) we lived for a year and a half in the richest part of Dallas. It was very hard to be "the poor kid."
Well, during the second of those Decembers we got an envelope in the mail that said "To the parents of Sarah ....." return address was Santa Claus. Inside were $100 in gift certificates to the local grocery store. Our Christmas was not big, but we did have one. Because of the former step-father's poor spending habits, we would have had Christmas regardless...but then wouldn't have had money for food. Those gift certificates were perfect. A month's worth of food (give or take) that can't be spent on anything else. (This was long before you could get groceries and "stuff" like clothes and toys at the same store.)
I have a younger brother with a different last name. Why was it addressed to my parents? Who sent it? How did they know that just sending money wouldn't be as helpful as the gift certificates? Did they know? How can you accept a gift when you don't know who to tell thank you?
These questions have no answers.
But I do know this. I was 12 years old and very depressed. Ready to lose hope in everything. My Mom was in the process of kicking out the former step-father with poor spending habits. The world as I knew it was falling apart. Out of nowhere Santa sent me a gift. Not just a gift of money for food for the family, but a gift to me of hope, an example that people aren't all hateful and snide, and the assurance that I could and would make it and be able to move on to a better life. Also, the knowledge that there'd be help along the way through the Grace of God.
Christmas is about the Birth of Christ. However, Santa Claus is about spreading hope and joy to those most in need. And every December I celebrate BOTH. Yes, I DO believe in Santa Claus and I DO believe that he still lives.
He lives in our hearts every December when we make a point of spreading hope and joy to someone else.
"And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight
Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night."
Well, during the second of those Decembers we got an envelope in the mail that said "To the parents of Sarah ....." return address was Santa Claus. Inside were $100 in gift certificates to the local grocery store. Our Christmas was not big, but we did have one. Because of the former step-father's poor spending habits, we would have had Christmas regardless...but then wouldn't have had money for food. Those gift certificates were perfect. A month's worth of food (give or take) that can't be spent on anything else. (This was long before you could get groceries and "stuff" like clothes and toys at the same store.)
I have a younger brother with a different last name. Why was it addressed to my parents? Who sent it? How did they know that just sending money wouldn't be as helpful as the gift certificates? Did they know? How can you accept a gift when you don't know who to tell thank you?
These questions have no answers.
But I do know this. I was 12 years old and very depressed. Ready to lose hope in everything. My Mom was in the process of kicking out the former step-father with poor spending habits. The world as I knew it was falling apart. Out of nowhere Santa sent me a gift. Not just a gift of money for food for the family, but a gift to me of hope, an example that people aren't all hateful and snide, and the assurance that I could and would make it and be able to move on to a better life. Also, the knowledge that there'd be help along the way through the Grace of God.
Christmas is about the Birth of Christ. However, Santa Claus is about spreading hope and joy to those most in need. And every December I celebrate BOTH. Yes, I DO believe in Santa Claus and I DO believe that he still lives.
He lives in our hearts every December when we make a point of spreading hope and joy to someone else.
"And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight
Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night."
Saturday winners
sanative - adj. having the power to heal.
sallet - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The sallet (also called salade) was a war helmet that replaced the bascinet in northern Europe during the mid-15th century. Some sallets were close fitting except at the back of the head where they extended and formed a pointed tail. Some Italian ones followed the nape of the neck, and had an additional plate riveted on. Many sallets were worn with an extended, padded, gorget called a bevor that protected the wearer's jaw. Some sallet versions have occularia in the form of a slit in a visor, some have this slit in the front of the helm, or even in the brim. Most sallets needed no breathing holes, as there was a natural gap where it overlapped the bevor near the wearer's mouth. Some Italian sallets had a "bellows visor" with breaths cut into the visor.
This helmet design contrasted with the barbute which was popular in Italy at the same time. Unlike the sallet, the barbute itself protected the jaw and neck. So whereas the gorget or bevor were important counterparts to the sallet, they were usually absent in barbutes. Barbutes did not pivot. Sallets did not share the barbute's resemblance to classical Greek or Roman artifacts.
One characteristic that distinguishes early sallets from late sallets is the length of the helmet tail, which became more pronounced toward the end of the century. Some helmets are of intermediate design, incorporating elements of both the barbute and the sallet. In the early 16th century this evolved into the burgonet.

There are no Smarty Pants this week HA! stumped you :-)
Our Silly Goose winners are
Vee said...
sallet... well, I know that one...it's a small newly invented device carried only in Canada and only at Canadian Tire. It is a hybrid tool with interchangeables .. a pruning saw blade or small hammer head.
Quill of Bill
sanative-to cleanse with Bleach.
"Motel toliets are rarely cleansed with sanative."
and here's your award.
sallet - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The sallet (also called salade) was a war helmet that replaced the bascinet in northern Europe during the mid-15th century. Some sallets were close fitting except at the back of the head where they extended and formed a pointed tail. Some Italian ones followed the nape of the neck, and had an additional plate riveted on. Many sallets were worn with an extended, padded, gorget called a bevor that protected the wearer's jaw. Some sallet versions have occularia in the form of a slit in a visor, some have this slit in the front of the helm, or even in the brim. Most sallets needed no breathing holes, as there was a natural gap where it overlapped the bevor near the wearer's mouth. Some Italian sallets had a "bellows visor" with breaths cut into the visor.
This helmet design contrasted with the barbute which was popular in Italy at the same time. Unlike the sallet, the barbute itself protected the jaw and neck. So whereas the gorget or bevor were important counterparts to the sallet, they were usually absent in barbutes. Barbutes did not pivot. Sallets did not share the barbute's resemblance to classical Greek or Roman artifacts.
One characteristic that distinguishes early sallets from late sallets is the length of the helmet tail, which became more pronounced toward the end of the century. Some helmets are of intermediate design, incorporating elements of both the barbute and the sallet. In the early 16th century this evolved into the burgonet.

There are no Smarty Pants this week HA! stumped you :-)
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Vee said...
sallet... well, I know that one...it's a small newly invented device carried only in Canada and only at Canadian Tire. It is a hybrid tool with interchangeables .. a pruning saw blade or small hammer head.
Quill of Bill
sanative-to cleanse with Bleach.
"Motel toliets are rarely cleansed with sanative."
and here's your award.

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