Sonshine (9yrs): I don't believe in God any more, just in Ghosts and Goblins.
Me: Ok, but without God there are no Ghosts and Goblins because God made everything.
Sonshine: Well, I just don't believe in God now.
......after a couple minutes of silence.....
Me: You know, if you don't believe in God anymore then I guess you don't believe in Christmas. Because without God there's no need to celebrate the birth of Our Lord. So should I call Santa and tell him you're not gonna have Christmas anymore???
Sonshine: .....deep in thought.....
No, I believe in God!!
There you have it folks. Our BRIEF sojourn into atheism.....
I love this kid!!
My Husband "Subvet" says that when our first son "Sonshine" was born the sun rose on our world, when our second son "Gator" was born the sun laughed and when our daughter "Sugars" was born all the flowers bloomed. That says it all.
"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning how to dance in the rain."
It's about learning how to dance in the rain."
Your mind is the garden, your
thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds. — William
thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds. — William
Monday, December 10, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Don't Steal the Car!!
Being a one car family brings with it some interesting adventures!
Last Friday Subvet had an appointment downtown at the same time that the kids needed to be at school. Since it takes over an hour to get downtown from our house and the school is less than 1/2 mile away, we decided that the kids and I would just walk to school.
We told the kids the night before that Daddy would be taking the car to go to the doctor and they'd be walking to school with me.
We told them again Friday morning.
Daddy said goodbye and drove off for his appointment.
And as we're walking out the front door for school all three kids stop dead in their tracks.
Stare at the empty drive way....
And exclaim:
In perfect 3-kid echo-harmony.
The entire neighborhood and I then heard ~~throughout the ENTIRE 1/2 mile walk ~~ variations on "We have to WALK to school today because Daddy STOLE our car!!!"
Poor Daddy, he's in trouble and he doesn't even know it!
Last Friday Subvet had an appointment downtown at the same time that the kids needed to be at school. Since it takes over an hour to get downtown from our house and the school is less than 1/2 mile away, we decided that the kids and I would just walk to school.
We told the kids the night before that Daddy would be taking the car to go to the doctor and they'd be walking to school with me.
We told them again Friday morning.
Daddy said goodbye and drove off for his appointment.
And as we're walking out the front door for school all three kids stop dead in their tracks.
Stare at the empty drive way....
And exclaim:
In perfect 3-kid echo-harmony.
The entire neighborhood and I then heard ~~throughout the ENTIRE 1/2 mile walk ~~ variations on "We have to WALK to school today because Daddy STOLE our car!!!"
Poor Daddy, he's in trouble and he doesn't even know it!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Gold Star Mothers
Do you know a Gold Star Mother?
Take a moment this weekend to pray for the families of all those brave men and women who have given the Ultimate Sacrifice for our Freedom.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
September 11.

There were a total of 2,996 deaths, including the 19 hijackers and 2,977 victims.[39] The victims were distributed as follows: 246 on the four planes (from which there were no survivors), 2,606 in New York City in the towers and on the ground, and 125 at the Pentagon.[40][41] All the deaths in the attacks were civilians except for 55 military personnel killed at the Pentagon.[42]

Monday, September 10, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Where Have I been???
Well, let's just say it's been a FUN summer!
My 2 week vacation starts on Monday and school starts a week from guess I'll see y'all after Labor Day!! Have a good time without me!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
thoughts on starting a creative business.....
It's easy to get discouraged, but it's only through moving forward that you will persevere.
the tediousness of paperwork can steal creativity....however, you must create or there will be nothing for people to buy
"If you want to find out how to become a millionaire, ask a millionaire, don't listen to all the people who never did it tell you that you can't."
Be persistent! Remember that every person you come into contact to, from the grocery store to church is a potential customer!
Keep it fun! You started this because it's something you love doing......never forget the love of the creative process!
Make it a great day folks!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
How to pass the time.....
Here's a taste of what I've been doing instead of blogging! Haha!!
Don't forget to "follow" Made by Mightymom in order to see all my latest creations. Go take a look!
We're getting ready for a fun week of VBS this week!
Had a bit of a mix up in my brain last week. I was soo engrossed in getting Father's Day stuff made/bought in time I forgot which week it was! I had my kids all ready to go and excited to the gills about our "surprise" for Daddy on Father's Day....uh, telling them the whole time that it was LAST SUNDAY!! So, well,..... we've already had our Father's Day celebrations thankyouverymuch! I sure wasn't gonna try to un-excite them and make em wait a week cuz Momma was a Mighty Doofus!!
Gator REALLY likes the Wonder Pets!
I didn't get a pic of the gigantic "celery" he made from all of the green Duplo (huge) Lego blocks! I LOVE this kid!! I really really do!
Make it a great day folks!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Am I really thinking of doing it AGAIN???
Have you heard of Autism Speaks??? Take a look!
Well, I guess my 5 mile walk for March of Dimes last year did NOT kill me, but DID help to raise $700 to help with preemies like mine. And I have come across a shorter family walk for a different non-profit that I feel even MORE attached to The 2012 Dallas/Fort Worth Walk Now for Autism Speaks!!
Where does the money that Autism Speaks raises go?
From the Walk Now for Autism Speaks website:
Our participants continue to tell us they want to ensure that as many dollars as possible raised through Walk Now for Autism Speaks go directly to provide critically needed research and family services. We have listened and we agree. Walkers and donors will know that more of their pledges are having a direct impact on our mission.
For example:
$250 Can provide four (4) Transition Toolkits
$500 Can provide nine (9) 100 Day Kits
$1000 Can provide twenty-five (25) Community School Kits
I'm excited about this fundraiser and I hope you'll get excited with me.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Bovine Surgery in the AM
This is the cow you couldn't kill.

My sister gave this cow to my kids SEVERAL years ago......I think 4 years?? I'll have to ask her.
Due to space restrictions the cow ended up in Sugars' room. I think it will be her lifelong companion.....I won't be surprised to see it in her dorm room in 15 years!
However, this cow will frequently spring a leak as its seams pull apart. So when we see a fair amount of stryofoam snow on her floor I go into the Bovine OR and stitch him back together. I'm ALMOST to the point where there's more seam that I've sewn than original. :-)
He came through the surgery well, and, as you can see, is fat and happy again. Ride em Cowgirl....
Our other morning activity consisted of Gator-boy's role play. Can you guess who he is??
My sister gave this cow to my kids SEVERAL years ago......I think 4 years?? I'll have to ask her.
Due to space restrictions the cow ended up in Sugars' room. I think it will be her lifelong companion.....I won't be surprised to see it in her dorm room in 15 years!
However, this cow will frequently spring a leak as its seams pull apart. So when we see a fair amount of stryofoam snow on her floor I go into the Bovine OR and stitch him back together. I'm ALMOST to the point where there's more seam that I've sewn than original. :-)
He came through the surgery well, and, as you can see, is fat and happy again. Ride em Cowgirl....
Our other morning activity consisted of Gator-boy's role play. Can you guess who he is??
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Oh would you just look at this!
This one made in pastels turned out so SWEET!!! I just love it! I'm thinking some little girl needs this rosary for Easter or First Communion! Don't you??
Well, I missed both boys' awards ceremonies this week, Sonshine got "Most Improved Student" and Gator got "Good Citizen Award". I am sad. But I've been sick sick sick this week. Terrible cough. Here's hoping it goes away SOON!!!
Today is the LAST day of school!! Bring on the SUMMER! I got stuff planned. It's going to be fun. Gonna try to make it to some more of my list of places to go around Dallas too!
Sharkarosa, Ft Worth Zoo, Dallas Arboretum, Planetarium, The Heard Museum I bought a family pass!!, Family Theater Series, the Dallas Aquarium, ride the Tarantula and see the cattle drive at the Ft Worth Stockyards. Plus the fountains to play in the water! Plus I'm planning on reading the Magic Tree House series to the kids this summer :-) And Sonshine starts piano lessons on Monday
WooHoo!! Here We Go!!
Well, I missed both boys' awards ceremonies this week, Sonshine got "Most Improved Student" and Gator got "Good Citizen Award". I am sad. But I've been sick sick sick this week. Terrible cough. Here's hoping it goes away SOON!!!
Today is the LAST day of school!! Bring on the SUMMER! I got stuff planned. It's going to be fun. Gonna try to make it to some more of my list of places to go around Dallas too!
Sharkarosa, Ft Worth Zoo, Dallas Arboretum, Planetarium, The Heard Museum I bought a family pass!!, Family Theater Series, the Dallas Aquarium, ride the Tarantula and see the cattle drive at the Ft Worth Stockyards. Plus the fountains to play in the water! Plus I'm planning on reading the Magic Tree House series to the kids this summer :-) And Sonshine starts piano lessons on Monday
WooHoo!! Here We Go!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Exciting Day
I'm very excited to finally be able to start posting items at Made by Mightymom on etsy!!
This rosary is beautiful! Check it out!
In other news our oldest son, who I thought would never talk, read, have friends....and so on and so getting an AWARD AT SCHOOL TODAY!!! He's earned the "Most Improved Student Award" from his 2nd Grade Teacher for the year!
Oh I'm sooo proud!! Of course, the ceremony is at MY equivalent of 2 in the morning! But I told hubby even if he has to prop me in the chair and poke me when it's time I GOTTA BE THERE!!!
Make it a Great Day folks!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012

Look at this man.
Look into his eyes. Look closely. Notice the expression on his face. Note the way he wears his uniform.
Look again. Can you imagine what he may have been thinking when this picture was taken?
What do you think his plans for his life are?
Look at him again. Look at the set of his jaw, the shape of his ears.
Would you like to shake his hand?
What do you imagine you would say to him?
What would he say to you?
Look at this man.
This painting is of Clint Gertson, who gave the ultimate sacrifice for his country, and to help ensure the freedom of the Iraqi people.
Look again at this man.
Can you tell him thank you? For all the things he saw....and all the things he didn't live to see?
Every week a list comes out of the names and ages of our soldiers that have fallen.
It's a list of names.....every name has a face, just like Clint.
Look at this man. This man died for you.
What have you done today to honor him?
Again, look at this man, remember him, honor his sacrifice.

The painting is done by Kaziah Hancock, a well known artist who paints these works of art of our true American heroes that have given all.....for free.
If you, or someone you know has lost a son or daughter in combat, you can contact Kaziah at Project Compassion
I am reposting this in honor of Memorial Day Weekend. Mr and Mrs Gertson, again, I thank you for the sacrifice of your son. God Bless.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
A Simple Woman's Daybook
This is a fun weekly meme I've seen around for a long time. Thought I'd join in.
The meme is hosted here
I am finishing up my work so that I can go to a dentist appointment here in a little bit. Then I shall do so fun stuff for Made by Mightymom, such as open a bank account and establish shipping rates. I must admit I'll be REALLY glad when all the setup stuff is DONE. But I am getting there.
Hubby is weed eating and mowing the backyard. Hooray! This is the last thing he hasn't been able to do since his knee replacement March 6th. So very glad to see him back to normal activities!
It's almost 9:00AM....when I finish working.
For everything. Truthfully, everything!!
my daughter is enjoying a late breakfast after sleeping in on her first day of summer.
My work clothes....aka...jammies! Gotta go put on real clothes soon, don't think the dentist would be impressed with my pink polka dots......
A business! Wow! Who would have thought???? Tedious and exciting.
to the dentist....very very soon now.
If anyone will actually pay money for these things I make....
Postern of Fate by Agatha Christie. A good one! Of course I say that about all her books!
I can teach Gatorboy to read this summer....all prayers gratefully accepted!
Too many things. Need to live more in the moment.
All about etsy and sales tax and craft fairs OH MY!
"If you want to become a millionare, don't ask an average person how to do it, ask a millionare"
Came across it on facebook a week or so ago, can't remember who it was attributed to, but it's stuck in my head.
I missed her graduation ceremony but I have it on very good authority (aka Hubby and Grannie) that it was very cute! Auditorium lighting makes for odd looking pics. :-)
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Cross Bookmark
Hey there! I finished a tester pattern for Made by Mightymom.
Head on over to see the beautiful cross bookmark!
Head on over to see the beautiful cross bookmark!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
things are coming along nicely
I found the black and white cat foot peeking out from under the black and white cat curtain hilarious.
So far in the Made by Mightymom Adventure I have started an etsy shop, signed up for paypal, read a thousand and five regulations for selling and shipping options and gotten a preview of my new MightyMom logo. It's way Super Cute!! But gonna keep her under wraps till it's finished. Feel sorry for my designer! It's no fun working for a quilter who's Super Picky about colors!!
Sooner or later I'm going to get through all this startup stuff and get down the FUN PART of making and selling stuff.
Hang tight if I seem to be away for a few days....trying to get a handle on my ToDoList this week.
Make it a Great Day!!
Monday, May 14, 2012
First Communion
This has been an exciting weekend for us! Sonshine had his First Communion on Saturday.
We've learned, once again, to watch what we tell the kids. Earlier this week Hubby told Sonshine that the reason he didn't take the wine at Communion is because he "breaks out in spots, like Charleston, Chicago, Los Angeles" (it's an old joke from AA). On our way to the dress rehearsal Sonshine keeps asking me "what color are the spots with those names that Daddy breaks out in?" Since I had NO IDEA what he was talking about I called Hubby to find out and he said "just tell him big red spots". Okay, question answered, no problem.
Saturday at the First Communion Mass, I'm right beside Sonshine to help him stay focused. As he's sitting back down beside me after taking the Host (and wine) Sonshine says to me, "Momma, I don't think I'm breaking out in big red spots!!". He then spends the rest of the Mass pulling his pant legs all the way up and feeling his belly and head to see if any big red spots have shown up yet. While I spent the rest of the Mass busting a gut trying not to laugh out loud!!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
This Is Ser-we-ous!!!!!
Oh my goodness!! Look at this!!
My Sonshine's first suit!
He'll have his 1st Communion on Saturday, and I STILL can't believe he's this big!!
sniff, sniff.....someone please remind me to take tissues........
I got a promise from my hubby today!
Which means I need to get cracking on this new business and sell some STUFF!
cuz you KNOW I'm gonna video that dance for the world to see!!!
fortunately, I have several ideas......
And I'm going to link to Small Success Thursday as well.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Thoughts about jobs.
I've started a new blog!! I'm starting a business called Made by Mightymom. Decided to see if I can make some $$ off of all this stuff I create! The business blog is just getting started, but please "follow" it so that you can see some of the things I have to offer once I get them posted :-)
Right now I am making crocheted rosaries. Later in the year some fun Christmas gift ideas will come up for sale so stand by. This is a whole new world for me to figure out. :-)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
yellow belts!
I really hate it when this happens!
I guess my battery needed charging. Here I get what would be a really GOOD picture of all 3 looking at the camera and the dang thing is out of focus!
Anyway, my 3 hooligans have tested and they all made Yellow Belts in Tae Kwon Do! How exciting!!
I'll try to get a better picture on Thursday.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Friday Fun
I had a 3 hour nap this morning while NO ONE called my beeper needing help! Yippee!! Now I can run some errands and get in some exercise.....Oh yeah, and I'M OFF WORK TONIGHT! It's a GOOD Friday people. A VERY GOOD Friday!!!!
Your mind is the garden, your thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds. — William Wordsworth
"I can't do my homework because it's almost summer and I have to practice swimming!!!"
Never seen anyone practice swimming in the living room floor the colors of that "water"!!
I Lost 103 Pounds! | Yahoo! Health This article led Hubby and I to discuss a motivational speaker who said that to achieve your goals you only have to do one thing. Example, walk for 20 min at the same time every day. no more no less. Every. Single. Day. Rain or shine or tired or busy or sick. Every Day. The dedication and perservance of adding this one thing into your routine is the hardest thing to do, and yet when accomplished will change your life. So, I'm pondering this. I should see if I can do it. But WHAT do I choose to do? I'm gonna do something like walking......I'll figure it out tomorrow.
Make sure you have a great day today my friends.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Getting Better....slowly
Sad to say, but this is a really big improvement for Texas!
I hope the rains keep coming so we don't dry back out over the summer.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Fun at home
We're trying to find new shows to watch on Netflix......Currently we're watching one of my childhood favorites! Fraggle Rock!
Hubby is back on his feet! Hooray!! He can drive now which means that I get time to relax.
Hubby is back on his feet! Hooray!! He can drive now which means that I get time to relax.
I do not understand this child. Not at all!!
Work has been tough lately.....
An actual conversation from the weekend:
me: how are you taking her temperature?
mom: with a thermometer
me: ok, and where are you taking it?
mom: at home.
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