Just in case you hadn't noticed, the Dallas area is experiencing a heat wave....yes, it's hot even for Texas!!
my kids are all in day camp at church this week, and my oldest, Sonshine, is in a Land of Make Believe camp where tomorrow, so he tells me, they will be planting magic beans so that he can climb the beanstalk to visit a giant. Given that the boy is Autistic and literally believes a beanstalk will sprout from his planted bean I have been trying to prevent the disappointment when no beanstalk grows. I've told him that I think it's going to be too hot for the beans to grow.
However, he's got that covered....
He sat down and had a chat with God about how he needed it to be warm, not hot, and to rain tomorrow so the magic beans they're planting will grow and he can climb the beanstalk. He assures me it's all settled and God
WILL make it rain.....
if he's right I may flip my lid.I'll keep you posted......
My real, no joke forecast for tomorrow says:
Sunshine. Very hot. High 108F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Low tomorrow night is 82.Oh, and the Movie Quote is from Hope Floats....a very cute little movie you should rent if you have the time.