We went 8 days without an oven.
Subvet was greatly bothered by this.
At his first opportunity after the oven was fixed he made in one day:
2 batches of chocolate chip muffins
2 batches of chocolate chip cookies
2 gallons of spaghetti sauce
an apple pie
and a strawberry pie
it was a 2 towel operation.
(he claimed the kitchen was too hot to wear his apron)
please note that this is my nice embroidered Christmas hand towel.....
(and you wonder why that turtle is moving so slooooowwww????)
Ahh, adversity has a way of motivating us to creativity!!
Husbands who cook. There are more of us than you think . . . I think.
jeez.... and they all sound so yummy.
Yummy!!! sLOW Smoe turtles slow...cook AweSoME:)
Sketti sauce in the oven???
And is that some kind of weird code signal with the salt box in that second picture? ;o)
and the next day he made Lasagna!!!
harry, men who cook are FABULOUS!! Cookie frequently posts recipies.
diana, yummy is the word for it!!
Diane, sketti sauce was simmering on stove top while all else baked in oven...can you even IMAGINE what my house smells like????!!!!
the salt box is a code to say "Stop telling me to be still so you can take pictures!! I'm busy here!!!!!!!" :-)
Do you rent him out?
Looks like SubVet definitely made up for some lost time! He can come on by my house and cook up a storm for me anytime!
Is my butt really that big?
maybe I should pull a covert op and smash my heating element...get my man to whip something up in the kitchen.
subvet? can you give cooking lessons?
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