Created by Mrs 4444, Friday Fragments are bits and pieces of your week that are usually brief; too short for a stand-alone post, but too good to discard. Collect humorous observations, "Heard" items, and other small gems and put them together in a Friday Fragments post.
yes, they spent all day in their jammies.....more than once!
thanks to Aunt Sheryl for the Fantasia coffee table book...the kids are really enjoying looking at the pictures before, during, and after watching the video...over, and over, and over. This beats Bugs Bunny hands down for the Mommy Satisfaction Award!
the necessity of many loads of laundry can make for strange bedfellows....
a bunch of cards can be fun for an hour in the hands of 3 hooligans.....not that I understood their "game" but they were happy so who cares?
"Look Momma! I'm a Card Boy!"
Momma says, "Come on let's clean this mess up before Daddy gets home." (from adoration)
Sonshine says, "NO Momma! We have to wait for Daddy to get home to clean up so we can be a TEAM!"
So glad they were able to keep smilin' through it all!! Kids are sooo resilient! Grand weekend to you! Cathy
Oh, yeah! Most definitely make Daddy part of the clean-team, for heaven's sake. :) Hope everyone's feeling better!
Hope y'all are all on the mend. I'm better, but still feel like I've been beaten with a club and achy all over. Thank you so much, 100* temp. :-/
Hope y'all have a good weekend.
Love and hugs,
Oh the dreaded team cleaning. I like to go away and come back when it's all clean...
Glad you are on the mend...
You mean you don't leave the house for a little while so that the Cleaning Fairies can come in and tidy up for you? Hmmm .. always works for me! NOT!
Hope everyone is feeling better by now but it looks like they had some pretty good survival methods going on there!
Even though they were sick it looks like they had a good time! Sonshine is a smart boy.... my kids wait till I get home so we (I) can team clean too!!!
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