My Husband "Subvet" says that when our first son "Sonshine" was born the sun rose on our world, when our second son "Gator" was born the sun laughed and when our daughter "Sugars" was born all the flowers bloomed. That says it all.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Your mind is the garden, your
thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds. — William

Friday, March 7, 2008

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

Well, it's taken me 21 months (remember, I had a baby during that time) from start to finish, but I have finally FINISHED recovering my love seat!!

All in all I think it's not perfect, but I'm quite pleased with how it turned out!

I wanted it done before our party on the 15...if I'd known I really only had 1 night's work left on it I'd probably have procrastinated it till next week!



Hootin Anni said...

YOU recovered this? I'm in awe!! What a grand job of work....truly impressive.

Mine's posted, tho quite eclectic today. Hope you can find time to stop by if you haven't already.

Happy weekend.

Char said...

Good job. Have a great day.

nancy said...

You're kidding. It looks professional. I tried to do that last year. That couch now has a store-bought, corner-tie cover on it tha tlooks great. I bet I had 40 hours in that thing!

Susan said...

Boy that's a big job to tackle. I am impressed!!!!!! Looks great.

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Looks good. I have a huge sofa that needs to be recovered. 2 big separate cushions, some exposed woodwork you have to work around, the whole shebang. And it weighs a good 250-300 lbs, one of the good brands and an older one, very well made.

So, wanna come do it for me?? LOL ;o)

... said...

great job. they don't call you mighty mom for nothing! have a great weekend.

j said...

Great job. I wish that I could do something like that! Jennifer


You did a good job. Things
like this take time to do.
When you have babies they need
a lot of care!

ellen b. said...

Well done MM! It looks great! What party on the 15th? I haven't received my invitation yet :)

Mary said...

You've done a beautiful job with it and I'm glad you were able to get it finished. Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Yay for you! I would've just gone and bought a cheap slip-cover...but that's the laaazy way out!