Now it's your turn!
If you're reading this, YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED! Each and every one of you!
The Rules
1. Think about what it is that you want more than anything, what your heart's desire and fondest wish is, and what it is that you would wish for if you were to see the above wishing star flame across the night sky.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic below.
3. Use a graphics program of your choice and place your wish on this picture:

4. Post the Make A Wish Meme and your wishing star on your blog along with these rules.
5. Tag as many people as you like so that there can be wishing stars all across the Blogosphere and ask them to please link back to me so that I can see what wishes others have made and share those wishes with others.
If you don't currently have a graphics program and aren't sure how to put your message on the picture you can either download one for free (I use IrfanView which is an image viewer but also allows you to customize and optimize your pictures) or email me at mouseski58@yahoo.com, tell me what you're wishing for, and I'll customize the picture for you and email it back to you so that you can then post it.
Hmmmm....I'll try to get to this one. If you need my help with adding your text let me know and I'll see what I can do.
I need your help adding the text.
This is what I would like it to say:
I wish for my boy's to grow up to be Godly Men, husband, and Fathers.
I wish for my daugther to grow up to be a Godly Women, Wife, and Mother.
I wish for God to bless us with a bigger house so we can adpot a little girl.
I wish when I look in the mirror I will see me how God sees me.
Mommy of 5
Most excellent wishes! How's that last one coming??
By the way, I love that new picture at the top of your page - what a happy looking family you have there! Just gorgeous!
great meme. i might take you up on this one.
and i hope all your wishes come true.
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