Well, we have 2 winners today!! They each one both categories!!
Congrats Ladies.
Silly Goose Winners:

Diane J
Peruke - A musical style akin to baroque, but of a less gentrified style, heard mostly in the slums and ghettos.
Usage: "Hey, D'Montay, crank us up some peruke on yo' ra-didi-0!"
Squill - a small storm, not quite a squall
Smarty Pants Winners:

Peruke - believe it or not, I know this one from having read way too many period romances - it's another word for a man's wig like the ones that they wore during the time of Louis the XIV.
Diane J
Hmm...I know what squill is (are??).
It's a spring flowering bulb.
Official Definitions:
squill - 1 the bulb of the sea onion, Urginea maritima of the lily family, cut ito thin slices and dried; used esp. as an expectorant 2 the plant itself 3 any related plant of the genus Scilla

peruke - a man's wig of the 17th and 18th centurids, ussu powedered and gathered at the back o th eneck with a ribbon; periwig.

Linda and I both won? Once in each category?!? Yee haw! That's a personal best for me. ;o)
Sorry your knee is giving you grief. I surely know about that!
I love "American Pie" and I've seen and/or read all that information before. I loved Gary Bucey in "The Buddy Holly Story".
That battle video is awesome. Here we sit safe in our homes while our soldiers deal with that and worse every day. I try to show my appreciation whenever I meet a soldier.
I've had word verification enabled for a long time now because of spam. So far so good. I hope they don't figure out how to get around the word verification...
Hope your week is a good one, S.
Love and hugs,
Pretty cool that Diane and I are both double winners and that we each choose the opposite word for silly and serious!
Hope your knee is better soon and that the brace helps.
Sorry I missed this one--but I didn't know either of them anyway!
Sheesh, I used to think I had a pretty decent vocabulary. Not so much, now.
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