My girl cat and my girl child are both repeating the same phrase over and over ......"I want the curling ribbon! I want the curling ribbon!" I should hand it over and video tape them fighting for it!!!!
and my 15lb boy cat keeps trying to climb the artificial tree.....
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......dooo de doo doo dooooooo"......
Major Mommie SCORE this week!! I am the master of the magic of CURLING RIBBON!!!!See it's straight! Run my hand down it and VOILA! See it's curly!!... Run my hand down it again......and........IT'S STRAIGHT!!!!!!
TaDa! Ha ha ha HAAAAA!!!!!!
Seriously it kept all 3 kids entertained for 20min!! They couldn't figure out why it didn't work for them..........
Me: (teasing) so you want a strawberry milkshake right?
Sonshine: no, just chocolate
Me: chocolate? Are you sure??
Him: yes, chocolate helps me focus
Me: focus??? On what??
Him: chocolate helps me focus on my Tae Kwon Do, Mom!!!!!
Uh yeah. Ok.
(he MIGHT be related to me in some way....)
That family shot up top is so so today!! Thanks for making me chuckle and no I'm not ready for Christmas yet...
Nope, definitely not ready for Christmas here in Connecticut but I do enjoy reading about the adventures your family is having in preparation!
Thanks for the Christmas cartoons too, I hope those snowfolks handed over the carrots!
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