ok, so I wouldn't buy one....and I wouldn't buy one....and they're too expensive....and......
then hubby intentionally drowned our shared phone
(don't ask) and in a
SNIT I went off to the AT&T store. Coming home with a $10 phone for hubby and, yes, an iPhone for me!
I told you I was in a
Can I just tell you....I'm SOOOO GLAD he drowned that stinking phone! I would never have gotten myself an iPhone any other way.....BUT...
since he did and I did ......
I LOVE this phone!other than my ring tone...which I'll have to post a video tomorrow of the kids singing my ringtone :-) I've not paid any money to put things on the phone.
I'm all about free Apps see.
That being said. I now have our
entire family calendar in my pocket at all times!! and for the whole year too! You've no idea how wonderful that is!!
Then there's tic tac toe! The kids think this is the highest form of entertainment! And no matter if we're waiting at the dentist office or the high school auditorium I can garuntee a good 15 min of cooperation over this game
Next is checkers!! One of my all time favorite games! I've finally gotten the difficulty level to the point where more often than not it's a draw....but I win some and lose some too!
Can I even discuss the fact that I have about 3 days worth of unrepeated music saved on this thing???? Seriously, almost every CD I own...and I'm working on getting the rest uploaded!
The always available calculator is wonderful too!
The camera is okay and works ina pinch...like when I go to the Kindergarten graduation of my eldest WITHOUT bringing new batteries for my camera! (that last pic of Sonshine and his teachers was from the phone)
Having email and facebook always available has actually gotten a bit too much....I mean one needs a BREAK from those things now and again!
The Notes app is awesome! I have several "notes", my times on the bike, my todo list, blog post ideas that randomly occur to me, and the combination to my locker at the gym.
The metronome will be awesome if I ever get back to playing the piano!
The flashlight is great! More than once I've found myself in the dark and it really helps.
But, my all time favorite FREE APP. Is the audiobooks app.
You see, a few months ago I decided I needed to read more of the classics. I'm a voracious reader and have read zillions of books, many are classics, but there are sooo many out there that folks refer to that I haven't read. However, my time constraints are many and varied. It's hard to hold a book while I sew, among other things. This app has every public domain classical literature book you can imagine! and a few you've never heard of before!
So far I have downloaded (with the help of free Wifi at work) free audio versions of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Barnaby Rudge, Dracula, Leaves of Grass, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and The Canterbury Tales!
I just finished Dracula tonight! wooooo what a book! No sleeping with open windows tonight!
Do you have an all time favorite book? Is there a book you've always wanted to read??
I need ideas for other books to download! I'll put all the books y'all recommend on a list in my notes app...... It's gonna be a reading-sewing-adventure having summer!!
Oh and speaking of adventures. The temps are triple digits all weekend and the ozone alert is way high. Say a prayer that the outdoors is more bearable come Monday when our trip to the
arboretum is scheduled please! They do have shady areas with misters
but STILL!
do you have a fav iPhone app? It's gotta be just as wonderful and life changing for mommies as the dish washer!