and here's my after dinner date.

whine snivel whine snivel.
shew. glad I got that out of my system.
Those homemade pretzels of hubbys are out of this world yummy! And those are the last 2 of them. I'm SURE HOPING he'll make some more soon (hint...HINT)
And while I can't have any more of the fantastic Banana Pudding he made Sunday (cuz, yes, it'll be gone by this Sunday) the left over bananas are just perfectly ripe.
I made it to the gym twice this weekend and each time I managed 6 *miles* on my new friend/enemy BBBB. (Blasted Boring Beastly Bike)
6 *miles* is a good excuse for a long hot bubble bath. I may have to visit BBBB more often so I can
*miles* is * *'d because hubby and I aren't exactly sure that the machines at the gym measure distance in miles. I'm calling it miles regardless....because I hurt too bad to have only gone 6 kilometers!!
I didn't set goals for this weekend and therefore didn't get hardly anything done. Go figure.
So my goals for next week are to
1) thoroughly enjoy my 35th birthday.
2) get extra snuggles from Sugars on her 3rd birthday.
3) finish my shorts (I'm about 1/2 way there).
4) work on Gator's footprints.
5) visit BBBB 3 times each time going 6.5-7 *miles*
Tune in next week to see how I did.
So what about you? What are your whines/goals for the week???
Congratulations on your upcoming B-day! Enjoy! Cathy
I have never even been on one!!
Good luck with your goals this week.
*Happy Birthday*
Good for you!!!
I was going to write a comment about exercise and nutrition, but since you're a nurse you probably studied all of that. :-)
The pretzels look really yummy! But watch those carbs and go for protein instead! Ok..I said it. (running away) ;-)
Good for you for having so much restraint! Happy early birthday you young thing you!!
Nothing for nothing, but my behind hurts just looking at that beast of a machine!
you need some protein with that lunch =)
Keep up the good work, and give Sugars a big birthday hug for me--she is such a cutie. Three already?! (Three is my favorite!) And of course, Happy Birthday to you, too!!!
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