Created by Mrs 4444, Friday Fragments are bits and pieces of your week that are usually brief; too short for a stand-alone post, but too good to discard. Collect humorous observations, "Heard" items, and other small gems and put them together in a Friday Fragments post.
hubby's King Cake turned out wonderful! But I forgot to take any pictures. And the box of beads was SOOO FULL that I just took the box and let the kids at the party dig through them. The biggest hits were the really long strands of huge beads! They were a blast and I left the party with a box STILL half full of beads....so I brought them to work with me tonight for us to play with. I mean who DOESN'T love some BEADS??!!
Oh, and yeah, I completely forgot to take my camera to the party....again. sigh.
you know the call
"extra extra read all about it!" ???
the other day Sonshine was sitting in the living room in that same tone saying "X-ray X-ray, Sonshine's a big boy!" I just about busted a rib trying not to laugh out loud!
So, the snow's all melted except for what used to be snowmen....some enterprising neighborhood kid rang our doorbell today to ask if he could have our snow. Hubby told him no.
you know how many people saw my beads at work and said "yeah, Mardi Gras is coming up here soon isn't it...." uh...like TONIGHT! yeah.
That's just starting to sink in for me too...it's tonight...and tomorrow is a FAST day!
I think the fact that I need a good fast is going to make it that much harder. :-(
So is it Friday or is it Fat Tuesday...You are confusing my overworked brain! Xray Xray! LOL...If it's Friday already you don't have to fast tomorrow cuz it's Saturday :0)
Please disregard this weird comment...
My life is one long Fat Tuesday but enough about my hips!
Sorry to hear that your snow is about near gone, I'd be happy to pack some of our new stuff that we got today up for you and send it over but I don't think it would survive the trip.
Do you know I have never had any King Cake? Read about them and have seen pictures but that's about the extent of it. Maybe someday?
I had fat Monday and Fat Tuesday so does that mean I have to fast extra hard tomorrow?
Regarding beads...they never lose their fun,no matter how old you are. I love beads! :-)
I love beads, too--got a box of gorgeous ones that I can't bear to part with, but don't know what to do with them. And I keep my eyes open for them at yard sales, especially the glass beads and crystals. Makes me feel rich, I guess.
I've never had a King Cake either, but they look like they'd be good. Fortunately, I'm Baptist, so whether I SHOULD fast or not, I ain't gonna.
My daughter told me the day you guys got snow was the day 49 out of the 50 states got snow. That HAS to be some kind of record!
what's up with forgetting the camera!? you need to have that in your possession at all times - for times such as a party and beads =)
X-ray, X-ray! Too cute! I love that you posted on Tuesday (you're pretty cute, too :)
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