Created by Mrs 4444, Friday Fragments are bits and pieces of your week that are usually brief; too short for a stand-alone post, but too good to discard. Collect humorous observations, "Heard" items, and other small gems and put them together in a Friday Fragments post.
I've kinda been ignoring the blog in favor of facebook here lately.
I'm not sure why as I usually don't do well with short "updates". I tend to talk too much for that.
Here I am at my last night of work and she's a real doozy. Fortunately, it is the LAST NIGHT and then I'm off till Tuesday.
So, I've put on facebook a plea for someone to let me come and watch the Superbowl at their house. A) I don't have TV B) it's the Saints C) it's a monumental game. D) it's the Saints.
So far I have been invited to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday at the following places:
New Hampshire
I wish I could travel to them all and see each play in a different state!! hahaha.
As it is I will probably either try to watch online (if that's an option) or will just follow the facebook/blog updates as the game goes on. Which is fine really. It just strikes me as odd that in 5 years of being without TV this is the FIRST time there was actually something showing that I wanted to see.
In other news.....Sugars woke at 1am Monday night screaming "MINE!"....which leads me to wonder, since she has a room to herself, WHICH of her stuffed animals was trying to steal the covers??? I'm thinking the monkey has pretty shifty eyes....
And Subvet has STOLEN my title of Best Tracklayer!! I have pictures of the huge and intricate track he laid the other night, watch for them tomorrow! And yes, our new past-time in the evenings is setting up the tracks for the kids to find when they wake up. Hey! it's more fun than watching TV!!! ;-)

I'm joining a new meme. Since I had my teaparty I've been sampling all the teas that I bought for the party and really enjoying them!
This Tea Party is hosted by Ruth at Celebrate Friendship. Stop by and tell her hi!
I'm having.... Constant Comment "tea flavored with rind of oranges and sweet spice" this tea tastes almost like chia tea I add sugar and milk to all my non-fruit teas, but since I'm at work instead of milk I have non-dairy creamer.
My teacup.... is of the lovely styrofoam coffee cup variety.
On my mind..... I'm waiting to see if my backache will subside, I strained it pulling a large lady up in bed. Most times these things will work themselves out after a couple hours, time will tell.
I'm feeling.... tired, because it's my 3rd and last night of work this week, excited because it's my 3rd and last night of work this week.
"you can get glad in the same shoes you got mad in" Grandma Traver.
Ha ha! I love the picture at the top of your blog. :)
Stopping in by way of FF at Half Past Kissing Time.
No TV? Wow. That's a rare one indeed. Not sure if I feel sorry for you, or envy you.
Gotta admit I'm rooting for the Colts though.
I was so excited to see another tea-mate came to join the fun! But I was all the more thrilled to see what you got here in your wonderful blog. The header picture already says it all. I'm gonna have fun visiting this site for sure!
Thank you for gracing our celebration by your presence. I have so much respect for women who loves tea parties. I have many sweet memories of them.
I hope your backache will soon subside.
I too love Constant Comment tea! It was the very fist flavored tea I ever had! Wishing you a grand day and thank you for dropping in for a bit of tea! Cathy
Add Georgia to your list. ;-_
I had constant commet too. I hope your back feels better today. Enjoy your days off work.
We have a TV, but it's not plugged in to an aerial at the moment. It got accidentally unplugged when I was putting up the Christmas tree at the end of November and no-one has bothered plugging it back in. A previous instance of being unplugged lasted 18 months, will be interesting to see how long this one lasts.
Happy FF!
We have SEVEN televisions and I still rarely watch anything. How did I find it all so fascinating when I was younger?
Hope that back heals up quickly :)
I hope you get an invite to a Superbowl party but, in case you don't, you do not have to fret because the Saints aren't going to win anyways. Colts all the way. Archie's boy is gonna whip Archie's team. Just sayin'.
Well...I'd invite you to come watch the game in Washington but we're going to my girlfriend's house. We do have someone that's flying in from Florida to watch the game with us...I think his real reason for coming is to spend time with my daughter :0)
I'm glad you are acquiring a taste for tea... :0)
"Mine" LOL...
Stopping by to say hello and welcome you to Tea Talk...I am a bit late, I missed you yesterday.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Joyce Marie
I was going to offer to let you come and watch the SuperBowl here in Connecticut but there are two problems with that ... a) I'll be at work and we aren't allowed to have "outsiders" in dispatch due to HIPPA rules and b) Amanda will be home and even though you could watch the TV here, she'd be a lousy hostess! Unless someone else made the snacks, of course!
Hope your back is feeling better, I can empathize with the backache stuff unfortunately. Mine started acting up last week for no good reason at all which is even more dismaying then knowing WHY it went out again!
i'm such a tv watcher that it's hard for me to imagine living without one. but i admire you for not having that distraction. i just don't think i could do it.
i think i would like to be a tracklayer. i like to create things. that's the main reason i like farmville. i like to create the farm =)
have a great weekend.
I love that you are laying track with Subvet; that is really sweet.
Your new header ROCKS-It's my all-time favorite.
Hope you find a fun/close place to watch the game. Another fun thing to do during games is watch Twitterfall; live-streaming comments on whatever search term you enter. I'm sure it's going to be VERY busy tomorrow.
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