While you're checking her list out, look at today's Wordless Wednesday! It makes me want to abandon everything and sleep in the sun!!!
I thought I would share our calendar. Aside from the usual scheduled doctor's visits for Sugars we also have a total of 4 therapy visits for the boys a week and they start preschool 2 days a week tomorrow. I am also very involved in church, including a new Bible Study on Romans that we will be hosting on Sun nights. Also, I have started a Fun Family Field Trip for Free once a month at church. It started at the beginning of the summer for families with kids under 12. We meet at the church parking lot and caravan to some destination for a little fun and fellowship. It was so popular that the moms of the pre-school crowd have asked me to continue it. I am also trying to get a Sit'n'Sew off the ground at church.... And Subvet works as much OT (overtime) as his boss will give him.
So, as you can imagine, organization is key. I have 2 calendars, a small wallet sized one that I write everything in and take with me places and a wall calendar that is dry erase and color coded by family member.
Have I mentioned that we only have 1 (ONE) car? And we live in the boonies, no public transportation out here unless you count taxis and they charge extra to come out this far for a pickup. To give you an idea, Dominoes doesn't deliver here.
In this picture you can see the boys' pictorial calendar for the week. I started this when Sonshine started school last year, because he wanted to go every day. I use it to teach the days of the week plus the passage of time (today is Wednesday, tomorrow is Thursday, you go to school on Thursday). This calendar has been blank all summer, now I'm going to have to make pictures for each therapy and designate 1 row for Sonshine and one for Gator-Boy..............
I love your calendar! It's great that it stays on the fridge!
You are very organized, but I already could tell from your writings and our talks!
Delivery??? Whats that??We never have delivery and almost never eat out!
Ellen, actually it's on the door from the kitchen to the garage, I can see it from where I usually sit in the living room.
Jen, OK, in other words, unless you live within 1 mile of city hall (which I do) you can't get DSL. There are no repeaters out here. Most folks have to pay big bucks for unreliable wireless.
My calendar is not as full these days but when my boys were younger and living at home, it was full like yours is:-) It was quite a day to celebrate when there would be a day that was blank! lol Love the idea of the pictorial calendar for the boys! xox
Hey purple is cool except the teal on the top my 40 year old eyes can't read it...have some pity and change the teal to a lovely bright red or green...remember holidays go together, Easter and Christmas!!!
see ya some time manana!
whew!! i think mighty mom is an appropriate name for you. it doesn't look or sound like you slow down until your head hits your pillow. i'm tired just reading this. think i'll go take a nap, now =]
Wow - great organization. I love that field trip idea...wish I lived close by!
Pea, the pictoral calendar is a "therapy thing" One of Sonshine's "Asperger's ish" traits is that he is very visually oriented.
Jennifer, you're 40??? WOW! I'm impressed! Just for you I did red, so enjoy! Remember the poem "When I grow old I'll wear purple with a red hat that doesn't match...."
Diana, my step-mom and I were talking the other day about how it all seems normal to me, because I just do what the kids need. (I also have to do "therapy" with them 24/7 to teach them to talk) Yes, I have 3 kids within 3 1/2 years and 2 have special needs...it's just life. If it were your kids you wouldn't think anything of it either....
Mary, start your own. Just call up everyone you can think of and set a date and time to go to a fun park nearby. As moms the #1 thing we need is support from other moms. It also helps to have a few "mentors"...moms whose children are older/grown who can tell you (repeatedly) that you WILL SURVIVE. ;-)
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