At this time last year I got very caught up in the attack on Pearl Harbor and all that happened that terrible day. I spent hours reading and learning and crying. I posted quite a bit about it during the week of Dec 7, and this year I am going to repost all that was posted last year. Just in case you missed it, or need a reminder of it. If you happen to meet a WWII vet this week, thank him or her. I have had the priveledge of taking care of several WWII vets at work. Most recently on Thursday. I too will be going out of my way to say thank you.
"The attack at Pearl Harbor sank four U.S. Navy battleships and damaged four more. The Japanese also sank or damaged three cruisers, three destroyers, and one minelayer, destroyed 188 aircraft, and caused personnel losses of 2,402 killed and 1,282 wounded." Wikipedia

The wrecked destroyers USS Downes (DD-375) and USS Cassin (DD-372) in Drydock One at the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard, soon after the end of the Japanese air attack. Cassin has capsized against Downes.
USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) is astern, occupying the rest of the drydock. The torpedo-damaged cruiser USS Helena (CL-50) is in the right distance, beyond the crane. Visible in the center distance is the capsized USS Oklahoma (BB-37), with USS Maryland (BB-46) alongside. Smoke is from the sunken and burning USS Arizona (BB-39), out of view behind Pennsylvania. USS California (BB-44) is partially visible at the extreme left.
This image has been attributed to Navy Photographer's Mate Harold Fawcett.

Destroyer USS Shaw exploding after her forward magazine was detonated

USS California sinking

USS West Virginia took two aerial bombs (one dud) and seven torpedo hits; of the seven at least five were from aircraft and one from a midget submarine
As I am writing this it is the Saturday before Labor Day. September first. We are trying to spread the word to get everyone to fly their American Flag on September eleventh in memory of the tragedy that took place 9/11/01.
However, you won't be seeing this post until December. December seventh to be exact.
Because 9/11/01 reminds me of 12/7/41.
The day that the American Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was bombed by the Japanese.
My Grandaddy fought in WWII, he lost his only brother in that war then was sent home as the last surviving male member of the family. He flew cargo planes for the US Army Air Corp....perhaps my love of flying and desire to be a (fighter) pilot is genetic.
I remember the sadness and frustration he expressed when we kids couldn't tell him what day Pearl Harbor had been bombed, or the names of the ships lost, or even how many ships, or what impact it had on WWII (The BIG 'un). I remember him saying that the world stopped that day...and when it started moving it was never the same again. I remember wondering what on earth he meant by that. I remember his anger when he went to the VA, that is Veteran's Affairs, hospital for a doctor's visit and found out that his assigned doctor was "a damn Jap!!" This wasn't a man given to fits of anger, but boy he got hot telling me about THAT! I remember wondering what the big deal was.
Then came 9/11/01 and I understood.
I understood the sadness and frustration when the people around me forgot to take note of that day. I remember how the world stopped, how my husband kept saying over and over that nothing will ever be the same again and I understood exactly what he meant. I understood the anger at any member of a specific group of people who were responsible for so much unprovoked bloodshed. I understood exactly what the big deal was.
In light of this understanding, I will never again forget 12/7/41. What it cost our countrymen and how it changed the world.
Do you have an American Flag?
Do you fly it at half-mast on Pearl Harbor Day?

The USS Arizona. ".... and as you can see from the picture, she still mourns her dead...." Cookie
For more information about the effects of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
After posting what you see above I got curious.
I started reading everything I could find on the attack at Pearl Harbor. That's when I went back and added all the pics. I read and read and cried and cried that night. Well into morning. I don't know (or care) if you believe such things, but I felt like this room was full of soldiers urging me to learn...then to teach. So that they should not be forgotten as another generation comes of age.
Here's what I learned.
1) The United States of America is the BEST damn country in the world.
2) You may knock us down, but you'd better watch out when we get back up.
3) We ALWAYS get back up.
We had 12 ships "sunk or beached" and 9 "damaged" in that attack.
Not to menton all the planes and buildings.
Now, to this city girl, "sunk" means dead. Sitting on the bottom rusting. But "All U.S. Ships except Arizona, Utah, and Oklahoma were salvaged and later saw action."
Most of those ships were saved and sent back to war within the year. And the cleanup was dirty, oily work.
Follow the links folks, look at the pictures. This is an AMAZING story that you won't soon forget! And remember that no matter how bleak the scenery looks, there's always a way to rebuild, and strike back.

That's a good post to repost!
Excellent repost and excellent points made. I sure hope that they teach the parallels between Pearl Harbor and 9/11 in schools but I would be willing to bet they don't as heaven forbid we make someone uncomfortable who may have Japanese descendants or such.
this is an exelent reposting. Thgank you for remembering our servicemen and wone who went through hell this day so long ago.
Must never forget!!! Cathy
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