Created by Mrs 4444, Friday Fragments are bits and pieces of your week that are usually brief; too short for a stand-alone post, but too good to discard. Collect humorous observations, "Heard" items, and other small gems and put them together in a Friday Fragments post.
I've stopped playing farmville....iphone checkers is sooo much more fun! and doesn't eat up hours at a time!! plus I feel like I'm actually USING my brain.
I'm still going to the gym twice a week. I ride 10 miles. haven't beat my best time yet.
I'm still quilting on my surprise quilt for the Spring to Finish challenge. I've got 11 days left to finish it!!
I'm reading blogs! Really I am!! it's harder to comment on the iphone so my comments have gotten shorter...but I AM still reading.
I finally got a call on my resume! If the money's right this could be a FANTASTIC opportunity! The supervisor is out of town till June 1st so I won't be able to schedule an interview till then. PRAYERS PLEASE!
This is the month my schedule is sooo screwy. So I may or may not be online...or awake. I hate these times cuz sleeping all day on a night off feels like a waste of time. But having the house quiet and to myself all night is kinda nice.
Summer's coming!! I've already scheduled our first summer field trip! Any of y'all wanna come too?? What do you say to us meeting at the Dallas Arboretum for a picnic? I can't wait to see Peter Rabbit's flower village for kids!! But my kids will be most excited about THIS:
"Family Fun Mondays
Every Monday, May 3 to July 26 from 10am-2pm
Fun family activities available every Monday include face painting and a petting zoo in the Pecan Grove. Have an outdoor adventure with the Kid's Summer Discovery Guide which features a Peter Rabbit™ Flower Village scavenger hunt and the Bronze Crow Statues scavenger hunt. (In case of rain, the petting zoo may be canceled)."
yes, there will be pictures taken and posted!!
speaking of pictures I have the last of the B&B pics to post, plus the horseback riding pics, plus butterfly garden pics! Guess that's what I'll be spending my Fri and Sat nights off doing!!
since when did Kindergarteners do math? Homework lately has consisted of addition and subtraction WORD PROBLEMS!!! Good Grief!
Sonshine loves school! but I'm tired of doing homework! Am I weird?? how is it the parent is more tired of homework than the student?? what's WRONG with this picture?
Mrs 4444 seems to think we all need to make a "button" for our blog...something other blogs then post to network with I guess.....Who thinks I need to make a button? Who wants to volunteer to make it for me??? :-)
Had to give up farmville too...Was tooo time consuming besides my crops were failing for lack of attention!! Have a grand weekend! Cathy
Kindergarteners doing arithmetic and word problems--good grief! I wish society would let kids have a childhood and quit trying to make them grow up so fast. It's a real shame.
I do not have a blog button either. Oh well.
Stopping by from Friday Fragments.
Enjoyed your fragments!!! I am, and will be, praying about that job for you :o)
Good luck on the job!
Yeah, I've been blown away all year about how much homework kindergarten has. Crazy, right? Yet tehy seem to roll with it. Almost makes me feel like we were gypped back in school. LOL
Happy weekend fellow fragger!
Good luck on the job!
I never got Farmville myself, lol.
I think FV is going to wait until it's too hot to do anything outside, or too cold!
Keeping my fingers and everything else crossed for your job prospect--in addition to prayers. I hope it's going to be just what you wanted. I'm needing something a little less physical myself--the back and knees are wearing down quickly--but need to make the same amount of money.
THAT'S not gonna happen....
I'd love to meet you at the Arboretum! :0) I'm praying right now for that job opportunity for you...
I never played Farmville but I did play Farm Town but I've been ignoring it something horrible for the past month or so. Just kind of lost interest I guess!
Summer? Heck, it feels like we haven't even had spring yet though it does look nice outside today and I really, really should go mow the lawn before I go into work this afternoon but I've yet to get inspired enough. Soon maybe!
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