Created by Mrs 4444, Friday Fragments are bits and pieces of your week that are usually brief; too short for a stand-alone post, but too good to discard. Collect humorous observations, "Heard" items, and other small gems and put them together in a Friday Fragments post.
you may remember that I decorated cupcakes for Sugars' birthday at school....
well, I did the same thing for Gator's birthday
Everyone loves Daddy's homemade banana pudding....matter of fact..there's not much left when they're done,
Sugars' bowl
Gator's bowl
Sonshine's bowl
but they might want Daddy to leave out the bananas next time haha!
well, I guess they didn't want the gate to be left open......
for the record. I hate Easter grass! I can think of nothing that makes more of a mess for less of a reason.
been a rough week around here. Gator's still sick, now it's vomiting to go with the pneumonia. FUN!
If you made those cupcakes and pudding here, there wouldn't be any left either.
Oh my those cupcakes look tasty!!! Have a grand weekend! Cathy
Easter grass, pine needles....it's like the Holidays last all year long!
So sorry about the barfing now.
I completely agree with the Easter grass thing. For some reason, I find pieces of it hidden in odd spots around the house all year long!
Lindsey Petersen
Easter grass is horrible! But somehow a basket isn't the same w/o it!
New follower - came over from Mrs. 4444's
I haven't used Easter grass in so long...then I use it this year thinking eh, kids are 6 and 10. Still not a good idea!
Hope your little one gets better! have a great weekend!
Don't tell the kids but I'd probably leave the bananas, too! I've got to be in just the right mood to have bananas and those moods are rare.
Sorry to hear that the vomiting is now going hand in hand with the pneumonia. Poor little guy. Hope that all clears up soon!
I'm coming over right now! I LOVE cupcakes and banana pudding is a close second. I'm moving in - when the sickness clears up. Have a great weekend!
Those cupcakes look yummy! And too funny they left the bananas behind in the banana pudding. :)
Sorry gator's still sick - hope he feels better soon!
I too love cupcakes and hate Easter grass...
Very cute blog!
Visiting from Friday Frags
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