As each of you post/email me about your haul I'll add links to this post. I'd do a Mr Linky thing, but he and I haven't been speaking to each other, and as he owes me an apology I'm not breaking the silence first!
Here's Lori's post on her stuff.
Sara sent me an email saying
"Oh, I got my box of yarn! I love the colors! I'll have to use them all together to make something---I haven't decided what yet. And, yes, I did wonder what the heck the wooden sticks were for! If you know, let me in on the secret!"
Does anyone remember knitted or crocheted purses/bags where you have 2 semicircles of wood at the top, each about 8-10" long, one for the front and another for the back of the purse, there are slits in each end of the wood for the knitted/crocheted handle to be threaded through? I'm trying to find a pattern or a pic of a purse made with these and can't.
Diane posted about her boxes here!
And here's ellen's post!
I'm soo very glad that this stuff has become YOURS to figure out uses and arrange storage for!
As for me, here's my stash in it's new home.
The row of tubs to the far left with the green handles is all grandmother's stuff. As well as that blue topped box on the floor.
There's a couple of very small boxes in Sugars' closet that have quilts in progress from her and then this basket of odds and ends. I took the little stuff I need to send here and there off the top. But inside this basket is MORE THREAD!!
a finished and starched handmade crocheted lace collar....too bad folks don't wear these anymore as this is really beautiful.
And assorted crocheted odds and ends that some day I'll figure out what to do with.