..which worked.....till hubby found Sugars with said ziplock bag on/over her head. SO! The question then became how to store the puzzles and yet not allow the kids to asphyxiate themselves. (Boxes were destroyed 4.6 min after being opened) Which put me at the sewing machine for about an hour tonight.
voila! a BAG!!
a zippered cloth bag, without handles or strings or anything else that the kids tend to use to cause harm. Just for storing all those puzzle pieces! Hooray!
Very bright idea and the bag is very nice!
What an absolutely brilliant idea! Perhaps you should try peddling these to a company that could then buy the idea from you, make you rich, and allow you to be a stay-at-home bag lady rather than a work-crazy-shifts bag lady!
Great idea! And much prettier than baggies!
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